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Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz

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1 Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz
Contents: -Biography -Leibniz and mathematics

2 Biography Leibniz was born on July 1, 1646 in Leipzig (Germany), the son of professor of ethics from the University of Leipzig Friedrich Leibniz and his wife Catherine Shmyuk. His father died early, leaving his 8-year-old son with rich personal library. Access to his father's library, largely written in Latin, also led to his proficiency in the Latin language. Leibniz was proficient in Latin by the age of 12, and he composed three hundred hexameters of Latin verse in a single morning for a special event at school at the age of 13

3 Study philosophy in 1661 from the University of Leipzig and from 1664 studied law and defended his doctoral dissertation in 1667 in Altdorf near Nuremberg. He taught mathematics in universities of Yensk. At Nuremberg he met a former minister of the Elector of Mainz, it is in Nuremberg and is actively involved in literature. With political mission entrusted to him by the Elector, in 1672, he went to Paris. Along with their political problems here Leibniz is concerned mainly with mathematics. In 1673 first visited London and later became a member of the Royal Society of London. Leibniz formula

4 During the period , he moved to Hanover, where was the court librarian and secret adviser for legal affairs of the Duke of Hanover. From 1687 to 1690 traveled through Germany and Italy to search for archival materials Velfite whose story is assigned. Then in 1700 remained mostly in Berlin and Vienna. Take part in the creation of the Berlin Academy of Sciences and its first president (1700). Contribute to the creation of academies in Leipzig, Vienna and St. Petersburg. In , HAVE met several times with Peter and I worked on education projects in Russia. He died on February 14, 1716 in Hannover, Germany.

5 Leibniz and mathematics
The main mathematical achievements of Leibniz in the field of mathematical analysis and formalization of mathematics. In Leipzig "Acta eruditorum" published by him developed differential calculus in 1684 and integral calculus - in 1686 The first work contains signs of differentiation, differentiation rules, allegations of extreme values and inflection points. The second work bears the integral.

6 His formula is repeated differentiation of work – Leibniz’s formula.
It also gives rules for differentiating the infinite number of important functions. Laid the foundations of the theory of series and the theory of differential equations. It brings the analysis today commonly used terms: function, differential, differential equation, algorithm, abscissa, ordinate and others. He is one of the founders of mathematical logic and believes that with its help you can build a universal mathematics. Leibniz develops the rules for differentiating the sum, difference, product, grade, function by function, provide a definition of extreme points and breakpoints, establishing mutually opposite nature of underlying transactions in the analysis - differentiation and integration. His formula is repeated differentiation of work – Leibniz’s formula.

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