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And how they have influenced our lives Mr. Mitchell August 2015

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1 And how they have influenced our lives Mr. Mitchell August 2015
Historical Engineers And how they have influenced our lives Mr. Mitchell August 2015 Engineering Your Future Great Lakes Press

2 Thomas Edison “If we did all the things we are capable of doing, we would literally astound ourselves.” Great vision Many technological contributions Over 1,000 patents in his lifetime

3 Edison’s Inventions “Genius is one percent inspiration, ninety-nine percent perspiration.” and the Lightbulb Electricity Motion Pictures Phonograph

4 Leonardo da Vinci Able to envision mechanized innovations that would one day be used Helicopters, tanks, artillery Made observations of the world around him

5 da Vinci’s Inventions Tank Aerial Screw Catapult

6 Isambard Kingdom Brunel 1806-1859
Designed & built wide range of projects, including railways, bridges, & ships Used logic & analysis to reshape the mechanical & structural engineering of his time Engineering Your Future Great Lakes Press

7 Charles Proteus Steinmetz 1865-1923
“No man really becomes a fool until he stops asking questions.” Pioneer in the field of electrical engineering Alternating currents Engineering Your Future Great Lakes Press

8 Henry Ford 1863-1947 Learned everything he could about engines
Designed his first vehicle, the Quadricycle Founded Ford Motor Company Introduced “everyman’s car” or Model T Creator of the Assembly Line

9 Dr. Robert Goddard Invented the process used for liquid fueled rockets His designs were basis for those that launch astronauts into space, deliver warheads to distant countries, & carry communication satellites into orbit

10 Wilbur & Orville Wright
Designed first powered flying model Experiments leading to this piloted flight & practices they employed were responsible for their success Orville Wilber

11 Wilbur & Orville Wright
Multiple attempts to achieve sustained flight. No engineering degree Video: Inventing Flight Dec 17th, 1903 Kill Devil Hills, near Kitty Hawk, NC The Wright’s Engineer Journal Shows diagram, data, and first circle flight on Sep 20th, 1904

12 Grace Murray Hopper A computer engineering & Rear Admiral in US Navy developed first computer compiler & computer language COBOL Popularized term “bug” after discovering that a moth had jammed the workings of an early computer Rear Admiral Grace M. Hopper, USN, Ph.D.

13 Joseph B. Strauss 1870-1938 Construction of the Golden Gate bridge
At its opening, it held the world record for the longest span of 1,280 meters The total length of the cables is long enough to circle the entire world 3 times!

14 Leo Szilard Generated the first controlled nuclear chain reaction Credited with building the first atomic bomb, but he advocated against its use Made contributions to political science, nuclear physics, statistical mechanics, genetics, & molecular biology

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