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MILUTIN MILANKOVIĆ Milutin Milanković was born in Dalj(28 of may 1879) and died in Belgrade(12 of december 1958) He was a Serbian mathematician, astronomer,

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Presentation on theme: "MILUTIN MILANKOVIĆ Milutin Milanković was born in Dalj(28 of may 1879) and died in Belgrade(12 of december 1958) He was a Serbian mathematician, astronomer,"— Presentation transcript:

1 MILUTIN MILANKOVIĆ Milutin Milanković was born in Dalj(28 of may 1879) and died in Belgrade(12 of december 1958) He was a Serbian mathematician, astronomer, climatologist, geophysicist, construction engineer and doctor of technical sciences.

2 He gave two contributions to science.
The first contribution is the "Earth Sinking Canon" that characterizes all the planets of the Solar System. Another contribution is the theoretical explanation of Earth's long-lasting climatic changes caused by astronomical changes in its position relative to the Sun; today known as Milankovic's cycles.

3 He is potrayed in 2000 rsd. He made an altered and accurate Julian calendar. Milutin Milanković founded the planetary climatology by calculating the temperature conditions in the upper layers of the Earth's atmosphere, as well as the temperature conditions on the planets of the inner solar system (Mercury, Venus and Mars), and the Earth's natural satellites - the Moon.

4 Milutin Milanković was born in the village of Dalj, on the right bank of the Danuv, in the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Milutin and his twin sister Milena were the eldest of seven children. Their father Milan was a farmer and trader, as well as a local politician, but he died young - when Milutin was only 8 years old.

5 At the beginning of 1905, on the basis of the recommendation, Milanković was admitted to the famous Vienna construction firm Baron Adolf Pitel, where he soon occupied one of the main posts in the constructive bureau. Milanković's workplace consisted of performing the most complicated static calculations when new reinforced concrete structures had to be constructed. At that time, reinforced concrete was a relatively new construction material that began to be used in all areas of the building.

6 His first work describes the current climate on Earth and how the Sun's rays determine the temperature on the Earth's surface after passing through the atmosphere. His first work on this subject was published under the name of the Appendix to the theory of mathematical climate in Belgrade, April 5, His next work on the same topic was published on the Plan of the Sun's Radiation on the Earth's surface on June 5, 1913. 1911 he started to be interested in climatology. Milankovic noticed an important problem that was one of the main in his life: the mystery of the Ice Age.

7 After the war, Milanković was elected Vice President of the Serbian Academy of Sciences in three terms from 1948 to 1958. Milankovic suffered a stroke and died on December 12, 1958, at the age of 80, in Belgrade where he was buried. He left the will to transfer his remains to Dalj, which was done in 1966. Aleksa Kangrga and Despot Terzic,VI4

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