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HONR 229L: Climate Change: Science, Economics, and Governance

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1 HONR 229L: Climate Change: Science, Economics, and Governance
Business and the Environment Your name here 25 September 2018

2 Can ask the students to outline Diamond’s motivation for writing this chapter
(hint: the key sentence contains the word "practical")

3 Could then move onto the next AT question:
Compare and contrast the conditions at the Salawati oil field in what is known as Indonesian New Guinea to those at the Kutubu oil field of Papa New Guinea, in particular as these conditions relate to local wildlife and the concern of the operating company for the respective locales. The book provides much more detail about the Kutubu oil field than the Salawati oil field. Please consider conducting your own research into the Salawati oil field, to supplement the material in the book. Consider relating how the “top down” government approach of Indonesia versus the “bottom up” approach of PNG may have factored into the ways these two oil fields were managed And, do your best to engage students in a discussion of these oil fields

4 Fine to then discuss hardrock mining, however you see fit, even though there is not an admission ticket question on this section of the chapter. Fine to either base the discussion directly off the material in the book, or supplemented by some info you are able to gather about the topic to supplement the book. Presenters seem to get much better evaluations if they engage students in a discussion, rather than simply “lecturing”

5 Should you so desire, can move onto the third AT question:
Describe the relationship between the Chevron managers of the Kubutu oil field and the indigenous folks who own land within the boundary of this oil field. Please also describe how the fate of the Bougainville copper mine in PNG and the Point Arguello oil field off the coast of Calif factored into Chevron’s approach for the management of the Kubutu oil field. Also: Consider conducting a small amount of research on Bougainville & Point Arguello, to supplement what is in the chapter Be sure to mention the economic benefit to Chevron (the winning of the contract from Norway) that resulted from the management of the Kubutu field Consider leading a discussion on whether students were surprised to learn of the Kubutu oil field Finally, considering conducting some research on Chevron and asking the students if the depiction of this company in the book seems to be “too good to be true”?

6 Consider comparing and contrast the approaches to the environment taken by the oil and gas industry versus the hardrock mining industry Consider providing examples of the damage & escape from payment via bankruptcy Consider noting the response of the Federal Government and some states, plus the shortcomings of this approach Consider asking students to relate whether they or their family/friends have ever experienced the type of environmental damage discussed in this chapter Finally, might as well summarize the anti-mining public sentiment in Montana and other states, as well as the bleak future of hardrock mining in the U.S.

7 Consider a slide focused on the three sets of factors:
economics mining industry attitude society’s attitude that Diamond believes are responsible for the difference in the approach to environmental standards adopted by the fossil fuel extraction industry versus the hardrock mining industry Outline, describe, and engage discussion as you see fit

8 The final AT question it:
Write a brief essay (5 to 10 sentences) summarizing Diamond's take on the modern logging industry.  Feel free to note the positive benefit of trees, some of the statistics on deforestation given in the book, the story of Aloysius should you so desire, and the impact of deforestation on climate. Fine to base this essay entirely on the reading or to work in some material from outside the reading.  But your essay should bear some relation to the reading. Consider leading a discussion of this topic, then give your summary of the modern logging industry, & see if you can work Ikea and Home Depot into the discussion 

9 Finally, consider leading a discussion on this phrase in the chapter:
Our blaming of businesses also ignores the ultimate responsibility of the public for creating the conditions that let a business profit through hurting the public: e.g., for not requiring mining companies to clean up, or for continuing to buy wood products from non-sustainable logging operations.

10 Fine to take this 45 min discussion in any direction you’d like!
Feedback from the students has expressed a desire to see the discussions not be overly reliant on the AT questions. Good luck. Feel free to send me an if you are having any trouble, need help, want to meet on Monday afternoon, etc.

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