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Introduction to Leisure Activities

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1 Introduction to Leisure Activities
Lecture No. 10

2 Leisure Definition: It is activity- apart from the obligations of work, family and society- to which the individual turns at will for either relaxation, diversion or broadening of his knowledge and his spontaneous social participation, the free exercise to his creative capacity.

3 Elements of leisure Intensity (passive to active)
Sociability (solitary to larger group) Spontaneity (impromptu to highly ritualized) Location (Private space to public space) Absorption (mind focused to total mind and body)

4 Facets of Leisure: Leisure is a kind of time[free from obligations, performed in spared time, Time without pressure, Lasts temporarily, Self-rewarding] It is culturally defined activity[Bounded by social norms, Provides individual status, Varies according to groups, Changes across the life span, Organized in patterns] It is an interior attitude [Pleasurable, exploratory, freely chosen, liberating, intrinsically motivated]

5 Categorization of Leisure
General classification: Unconditional ( spontaneous improvisation and playfulness) Compensatory ( for relaxation or for stress release) Relation ( spontaneous social interaction between participants-e.g., going to parties or rock concert) Role determined ( part of a larger role set of individual-e.g, family wedding, social event for company employees)

6 On the basis of time used
Types of leisure Types of time use Example pure Time planned for pleasure Hobbies, Vacations, Creative outlets, Holidays anomic Time on one’s hand Alienated youth, Unemployed, Empty nest, Disengaged retirees institutional Time devoted to others Work related, Family Related, Religious practices, Volunteer work Alienated Time bind Underemployed, Role overload, Burn out

7 On The Level of Involvement
Quiet leisure, e.g., Watching TV, reading Newspaper Active leisure, e.g., Sports and game activities

8 Importance of Leisure Using free time in a meaningful way
Developing or improving socialization skills Increasing physical components such as range of motion, strength, coordination and endurance Facilitating emotional adjustment such as self esteem, confidence and relaxation Improving cognitive capacities such as maintaining concentration and following instructions

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