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Biology 11 Introduction.

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1 Biology 11 Introduction

2 Today Course Outline GSN Review Textbooks Lab Safety
Biology: The Study of Life

3 Study of Life

4 The Realm of Biology Biology as A Science
Science: the process of learning about and observing the natural world Biology Bio = Life -logy = study of Technology – using the knowledge we have gained during scientific study and applying it Types of Biology Astrobiology, Chronobiology, Cryobiology, Mycology, Herpetology... Too Many to List We will focus on taxonomy, evolution, microbiology, botany and zoology

5 Scientific Method Hypothesis Experiment Conclusion
An educated guess or prediction to a problem or question Experiment Testing a hypothesis Must be repeatable (in other words if someone else performed the same experiment – they would get the same results?) It must be clear what is causing the results (eliminate other factors that may produce similar results) Control Conclusion Go back to the hypothesis – was it proven, disproven or did the experiment fail to address the hypothesis?

You are to determine whether drug X affects the activity of white rats. You have at your disposal, all of the resources you need. Money is no object, you can have all you require. You must, however, by the design of your experiment, convince me beyond the shadow of a doubt, that your results are conclusive.

Be sure to start with a specific hypothesis. Make sure you identify what you mean by “activity”. Define your control group. This should be exactly the same as your experimental group except for the one variable you will be investigating. Describe exactly what you will be measuring, and how you intend on measuring it. Your measurements must be able to be recorded in numerical form. You do not need to include any actual data in your report, however. How will you interpret your results?

8 Assignment TO THINK ABOUT Due Date: ________________
How will you administer the drug? What about the control group?  How many, and what kinds of rats will give you conclusive results? I am VERY skeptical, I am looking for anything that you have not considered which might affect the outcome of your experiment. Remember, it is MY money being spent here. I don’t want ANY possibility of a goof-up. Due Date: ________________

9 Levels of Biological Organization

10 Atom Molecule Organelle Cell Tissue Organ Organ System Individual Population Community Ecosystem Biome Biosphere

11 Themes in Biology

12 Main Themes in Biology Unity and Diversity Continuity
Changes Through Time Homeostasis Adaptation Interactions Homework: Describe, using examples, each of the above themes. Full marks will be awarded to answers that include BOTH descriptions AND examples.

13 Activities of Living Things
- all cells are made of nucleic acids, proteins, carbohydrates, and lipids - a living thing is made up of one or more cells

14 Metabolism All living things need energy Metabolism is the ability to:
Obtain and convert energy from its surroundings Use energy to maintain oneself Total of the chemical reactions of living things such as: Cellular Respiration Photosynthesis

15 Growth An increase in the amount of living material in an organism
Requires energy tkZw

16 Repair and Maintenance
Organisms are usually able to repair damage to tissue and organs Some organisms can replace entire parts

17 Reproduction 1 parent offspring is identical to parent
Asexual Sexual 1 parent offspring is identical to parent common in monera, protista, fungi 2 parents offspring is different from parents common in plants and animals

18 Response to Stimuli Anything that affects an organism is considered a stimulus Response – reaction to stimulus (allows homeostasis to be maintained) Only living things can make compensatory, controlled responses to changes in their environment

19 Movement All living things are capable of some kind of movement
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20 Taxonomy Ordering and grouping of organisms using a system

21 Why Do Biologists Classify Organisms?
It gives us a way to look at the living world in an organized fashion Provides a sensible way to name organisms The most basic way we group organisms is by species species is a group of related organisms that can breed to produce fertile offspring in the natural world

22 Tiger = Species Lion = Species

23 Patrick the liger is sadly not part of a species .

24 Naming Living Things

25 What’s in a Name? 2 part naming system Genus Species Genus species
Homo sapien Felis domesticus

26 Kingdoms

27 The Kingdom Approach A kingdom simply refers to a large group of organisms that have similar characteristics Types and numbers of kingdoms have changed with the discovery of different species and their characteristics

28 Kingdoms Initially there were only two kingdoms: Plants and Animals
Scientists recognized that plants could create their own food while animals could not After the microscope was invented... 2 kingdoms were challenged because there were microscopic organisms that had features like both plants and animals

29 Kingdoms As more has been discovered, different arrangements of the kingdoms have been proposed from 3-8 The approach we will be using will include 6 kingdoms Eubacteria Archaebacteria Protistans Fungi Plants Animals

30 Homework On loose leaf paper answer the following questions in full sentences: Pg 10 #1-5 Pg 12 #1-2 Or Pg 6 #1-5 Pg 7 #1-2

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