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Proposal Preparation and Review Process

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1 Proposal Preparation and Review Process
Ethiopian Multi Sectoral HIV/AIDS Project Perspectives EMSAP PCU/HAPCO

2 Communication Strategies for NGOs and Other Civil Societies
EMSAP Launching Workshop (Initial Launching Activities) Distribution of Project Implementation Manual Workshop to different partners Introduction of the project using different forums EMSAP PCU/HAPCO

3 Elements of Strong Proposals
Background: Project holder profile: Experience Organization and Management Personnel profile Problem statements / Rationale Focus on Project Area Only EMSAP PCU/HAPCO

4 Elements of Strong Proposal Cont’d
Objectives: General Specific (SMART) Social and environmental considerations: State any social and environmental negative impacts, if any, and mitigating measures Beneficiary selection criteria and number of beneficiaries by gender Level of beneficiary participation and involvement in implementation Empowerment and protection of women and girls rights EMSAP PCU/HAPCO

5 Elements of Strong Proposals Cont’d
Monitoring and Evaluation  Input indicators Output indicators Outcome/impact indicators Sustainability Plan / Phase out Strategy Annual/Quarterly Work Plan (Format attached ) Detail Budget Breakdown Based on the Format From PCU  ( Please note that they would be incorporated in the agreements. So please be sure to include only those indicators that you are sure to achieve) EMSAP PCU/HAPCO

6 Proposal Review Process
Receipt of Proposal from Project Holders Distribution to PCU Staffs (Concerned) for appraisal Desk appraisal Field appraisal (if needed) Joint Review to Forward to NRB Decision by the NRB (Approved, Declined, Reformulation) Release of First Tranche (25% of the approved amount) EMSAP PCU/HAPCO

7 Pre Appraisal During Appraisal General
Common Problems with proposals from NGOs and Other Civil Societies Including FBOs Pre Appraisal During Appraisal General EMSAP PCU/HAPCO

8 Pre appraisal Difficulty to meet minimum requirements (Like Regional Support, Audit/Finance Report, etc.) Lack of Adequate Experience Most of them are new starters and do not understand the scale up response Lack of Registration License Lack of Operational and project agreement with respective regional government offices EMSAP PCU/HAPCO EMSAP

9 During Appraisal Unclear Objectives in most of the cases “Failure to define SMART Objectives” Lack of project area analysis More ambitious plans and tendencies to get fund only at the national level, while there capacity is very limited even to work at the Woreda level Center Biased and Focus on very limited intervention in the prevention component and money hand out in the care and support Lack of sustainability and phase out strategies Exaggerated Fund Request almost for new venture EMSAP PCU/HAPCO

10 General High expectation as a result of the aggressive launching activities to use the EMSAP fund Lack of proper understanding of the project and the need to start new ventures unlike the scale up response EMSAP PCU/HAPCO

11 Strategies for improving quality of proposals and the proposal review process
Joint Discussion Forum for Experience Sharing at Federal level Establishment of Discussion Forums for stakeholders (GO, Media, NGOs, FBOs, Donors, etc) Strengthening the institutional capacity both at the PH and PCU level Provision of Training on project proposal development, monitoring and evaluation, etc. Promote regional level NGOs and increase the response of RACS. EMSAP PCU/HAPCO

12 Fund Transferred to FBOs From Regions and Federal Level

13 EMSAP PCU/HAPCO Name of Religious Organization Fund Approved
Proposal Submitted to the Federal/Regional level Fund Approved Transferred SOE Submitted Balance not yet settled Orthodox,Betekihnet Benshangul 239,897.00 53,374.00 Tigri 400,000.00 Afar 210,577.00 95,849.00 Harari 57,658.00 HAPCO-PCU(Federal) 10,241,627.70 2,535,406.00 Gambella 68,780.00 43,393.00 17,094.00 26,299.00 EMSAP PCU/HAPCO

14 EMSAP PCU/HAPCO Islamic Council,Muslim Society
Muslim to Muslim,Islamic Affairs Benshangul 68,641.00 15,444.00 12,480.00 2,964.00 Tigri 5,000.00 Afar 1,002,304.00 294,733.00 Harari 6,217.50 HAPCO-PCU(Federal) 2,529,915.00 600,854.00 535,060.00 65,793.40 Gambella 62,323.00 46,082.00 14,674.90 30,407.10 EMSAP PCU/HAPCO

15 EMSAP PCU/HAPCO EMSAP Region /Woreda/Civil Society Awareness Creat.
Care & Support Data Collection Training Condom Distribution VCT Admin.Cost Total Harari 89,644.01 103,630.43 1,784.00 2,664.00 360.00 1,455.00 53,684.11 253,221.55 Oromiya 1,669,241.43 1,470,112.38 107,472.11 659,275.09 9,288.46 10,506.50 465,685.61 4,391,581.58 SNNP 251,993.82 77,073.00 286,370.98 615,437.80 Somali 183,073.00 10,196.50 4,386.00 4,390.00 57,496.62 259,542.12 Tigri 1,025,802.50 13,979.05 4,270.00 355,226.43 1,399,277.98 NGO & Civil Society At Central Level 4,894,254.05 4,634,472.44 75,320.00 1,106,197.91 93,949.37 1,118,439.04 1,878,926.69 13,801,559.50 Toal 10,754,199.19 8,832,897.47 242,028.61 1,952,811.54 135,739.73 1,150,653.54 3,551,016.00 26,619,346.08 Regional Settlement Grand Total EMSAP PCU/HAPCO EMSAP

16 Settlement Summary By Intervention Area
Region /Woreda/Civil Society Awareness Creation Care & Support Data Collection Training Condom Distribution VCT Admin.Cost Total Addis Ababa 142,583.07 915,021.95 11,845.20 1,090.00 2,163.00 55,048.06 1,127,751.28 Afar 1,073,028.10 95,378.40 47,323.00 76,302.00 24,760.00 13,700.00 140,558.20 1,471,049.70 Amhara 541,240.21 1,307,809.91 1,928.50 55,232.49 1,971.90 141,207.71 2,049,390.72 EMSAP PCU/HAPCO

17 Settlement Summary Cont’ed
Region /Woreda/Civil Society Awareness Creat. Care & Support Data Collection Training Condom Distribution VCT Admin.Cost Total Benshangul 314,344.80 80,606.01 250.00 37,024.85 54,494.19 486,719.85 DireDawa 94,540.70 91,521.40 14,586.40 200,648.50 Gambella 474,453.50 33,096.00 3,565.00 4,320.00 47,731.00 563,165.50 EMSAP PCU/HAPCO

18 Settlement Summary Cont’ed
Region /Woreda/Civil Society Awareness Creat. Care & Support Data Collection Training Condom Distribution VCT Admin.Cost Total Harari 89,644.01 103,630.43 1,784.00 2,664.00 360.00 1,455.00 53,684.11 253,221.55 Oromiya 1,669,241.43 1,470,112.38 107,472.11 659,275.09 9,288.46 10,506.50 465,685.61 4,391,581.58 SNNP 251,993.82 77,073.00 286,370.98 615,437.80 EMSAP PCU/HAPCO

19 Settlement Summary Cont’d
Region /Woreda/Civil Society Awareness Creat. Care & Support Data Collection Training Condom Distribution VCT Admin.Cost Total Somali 183,073.00 10,196.50 4,386.00 4,390.00 57,496.62 259,542.12 Tigri 1,025,802.50 13,979.05 4,270.00 355,226.43 1,399,277.98 NGO & Civil Society At Central Level 4,894,254.05 4,634,472.44 75,320.00 1,106,197.91 93,949.37 1,118,439.04 1,878,926.69 13,801,559.50 Toal 10,754,199.19 8,832,897.47 242,028.61 1,952,811.54 135,739.73 1,150,653.54 3,551,016.00 26,619,346.08 Regional Settlement Grand Total EMSAP PCU/HAPCO

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