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Repairing bone damage caused by excessive cola drink

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1 Repairing bone damage caused by excessive cola drink
Biology is the most powerful technology ever created. DNA is software, protein are hardware, cells are factories. - Arvind Gupta-

2 Background Problem Soda drinking becomes a tradition in all occasion
People starts to forget on how dangerous soda drinks are Soda drinks can lead human bones to become damaged We are going to conduct an experiment on how does soda can affect our health And how to treat them if our bones are damage, by consuming milk

3 Hypothesis Due to the fact that most milks acid, they cannot repair bone damage However, soya milk has a neutral pH Thus it can repair bone damage caused by soda Bones that are soaked in soya milk will have a better chance of being repaired than the one placed in cow’s milk

4 Materials and Equipments
4x Beaker glasses Cow’s milk 4x Chicken bones Scale Soda drink Ruler Soya milk

5 Variables Independent variables Constant variables Dependent variables
Soya milk Bones soaked in soda Cow’s milk Bones soaked in milk Dependent variables Control variable Weight of bones Bones soaked in water Length of bones Texture and appearance of bones

6 Procedure De-calcification Re-calcification Boil the chicken bone
Cut the bone into half so it can fit into the beaker glass Measure its length, and weight Soak 3 bone in the soda, place 1 bone into water for control Check the bone every Tuesday and Friday Once it has met it’s specific soaked time, take out the bone and record Wash the bone so there’s no recedue of soda Re-calcification Soak 3 bone in milk to see the recalcification process Record the final result

7 Data Sheet

8 De-calcification Data
Day Bone Weight Length Texture 6 February 2018 A 15 gram 10 cm Normal B 10 gram 9 cm C 8,5 cm Control 12 gram 9 February 2018 16 gram Bit of soft in the edge of diaphysis 11 gram 9,7 cm 12 February 2018 Softer than previous observation Softer than previous observation but not as soft as bone “A” Same as bone “B” 9,5 cm

9 Re-calcification Data
Day Bone Weight Length Texture 13 February 2018 Cow’s Milk 17.07 gram 10cm Soft like last observation Soya Milk 11.75 gram 9cm It needs more force to soften it up. Not like last week which it is easy Control 11.17 gram 9.5cm Normal 14 February 17.18 gram 12.05 gram 9 cm Getting harder, starting to go come back to it’s original state 11.12 gram

10 Results Initial decalcification experiment conducted on the 6th of February. At this time, all of the condition of the bone are still normal without any irregularity and flaw As the data shows, 6 days after the experiment bone A, B, C soften up. In the picture the cola in bone A spilled so it is missing. Strange unpleasant smell appears in here. It happens because the bones react with the cola and water in it

11 (11). أَإِذَا كُنَّا عِظَامًا نَخِرَةً
Quran Verse (11). أَإِذَا كُنَّا عِظَامًا نَخِرَةً Apakah (akan dibangkitkan juga) apabila kami telah menjadi tulang-belulang yang hancur lumat? (QS An-Nazi’at: ayat 11)

12 Repairing bone damage caused by excessive cola drink
Biology is the most powerful technology ever created. DNA is software, protein are hardware, cells are factories. - Arvind Gupta-

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