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Self Awareness.

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Presentation on theme: "Self Awareness."— Presentation transcript:

1 Self Awareness

2 We are all individuals……

3 Each individual brings something to the party

4 But you may not always appreciate what other people bring and they might not appreciate what you bring!

5 How do you behave and what effect does that have on others?
How do we interpret others? How do others interpret us? How do we interpret others interpretations of us?

6 Behaviour Your feelings towards others are based on the way you see them behave Others feelings towards you are based on the way they see you behave The way you (and they) behave on one occasion will influence future behaviour between you Use what you know about yourself to adapt your behaviour appropriately

7 How you see yourself How others might see you
Quiet and reserved Private Thoughtful Organised Withdrawn Inaccessible ‘not joining in’ Rigid Friendly Lively Chatty Flexible Superficial Intrusive ‘in your face’ Disorganised

8 Visionary Analytical Strategic Task-focussed Vague Insensitive
How you see yourself How others see you Visionary Analytical Strategic Task-focussed Vague Insensitive Unrealistic Cold Attentive to detail Compassionate Caring Realistic Nit picking Overly emotional Too involved Negative

9 An Introduction to Myers Briggs Personality Type Indicator

10 MBTI describes your preferred style of behaviour it does not dictate your preferred style of behaviour

11 Dichotomies Extroversion and Introversion
Where do you prefer to focus your attention? Where do you get your energy Sensing and iNtuition How do you prefer to take in and process information Thinking and Feeling What influences your decision making Judging and Perceiving How do you order your life?

12 E - ‘Let’s talk this over’ I - ‘I need to think about this’
E finds I withdrawn, inaccessible and private but Is think they are reflective with a depth of understanding I finds E superficial and intrusive but Es think they are sociable and quick to take action E - ‘Let’s talk this over’ I - ‘I need to think about this’

13 T - ‘Is this logical/lets get the job done’
T finds F illogical and over emotional but Fs think they are in touch with their feelings F finds T critical, cold and insensitive but Ts think they are tough and able to weigh up the cost/benefit T - ‘Is this logical/lets get the job done’ F - ‘Will anyone be hurt/is everyone happy?’

14 S - ‘Just the details facts please’ N - ‘Ah I can see it ALL now’
S finds N vague, impractical and difficult to follow but Ns think they are visionary, full of radical ideas N finds S nitpicking and pessimistic but Ss think they are realistic and attentive to detail S - ‘Just the details facts please’ N - ‘Ah I can see it ALL now’

15 J - ‘Just do something’ P - ‘ Let’s wait and see’
J finds P disorganised and irresponsible but Ps think they are adaptable and good at information gathering P finds J rigid and inflexible but Js think they are organised and good at bringing things to closure J - ‘Just do something’ P - ‘ Let’s wait and see’

16 MBTI Intuitive Preference ‘N’
Take in information by seeing the big picture, focusing on the relationships and connections between facts… want to grasp patterns and especially attuned to seeing new possibilities.

17 MBTI Sensing Preference ‘S’
Like to take in information that is real and tangible – what is actually happening… Observant about the detail, factual and concrete especially attuned to practical realities.

18 Decision Making T and F Analytical Empathetic
Cause and effect reasoning Guided by personal values Use logic Consider impact on others Objective truth Harmony Reasonable Compassionate Tough minded Tender hearted Fair Fair Everyone treated equally Everyone treated as an individual

19 Risks of type preference:
MBTI Problem Solving Risks of type preference: Sensing: Rely too much on previous experience Intuition: Overexcited by new theory Thinking: Logic at the expense of people Feeling: Place empathy before hard but logical decisions

20 ST NF SF NT Able to describe detail Visual images Lists their feelings
Try to figure it out

21 Applying Values Impact on others F
Taking in Information S Interpretation N Applying Logic T Applying Values Impact on others F

22 Look at the following picture –what instantly comes to mind


24 NT (Try it figure it out)
ST (Describe Detail) Jars Pumpkins Lavender Baskets People NF (Visual Images) Autumn Harvest Local produce SF (List feelings) Chilly Friendly Chatty Scented NT (Try it figure it out) Market – probably French


26 NT (Try to figure it out)
ST (Describe Detail) Wet rainy night Christmas shopping Street lights NF (Visual Images) Miserable Dark Cold SF (List Feelings) Feeling excited Warm Feeling Mulled Wine NT (Try to figure it out) London or Paris? Coming home – the lights are just coming on


28 NT (Try to figure it out)
ST (Describe detail) Messy Pictures of Instruments NF (visual images) Summer evenings Freedom of movement Jazz SF (List Feelings) Fluid Joyful Colourful Calm NT (Try to figure it out) Very abstract

29 What does this mean for you in the context of your work?
Think about the following - what gives you a ‘buzz’ - what sort of ‘jobs’ would you rather not do - what is it about others that frustrates you - what might others find frustrating about you - any behaviour that would indicate to others that you are feeling stressed - any area of behaviour that you would like to develop

30 How you see yourself How others see you
Quiet and reserved Private Thoughtful Organised Withdrawn Inaccessible ‘not joining in’ Rigid Friendly Lively Chatty Flexible Superficial Intrusive ‘in your face’ Disorganised IJ EP

31 How you see yourself How others see you
Visionary Analytical Strategic Task-focussed Vague Insensitive Unrealistic Cold Attentive to detail Compassionate Caring Realistic Nit picking Overly emotional Too involved Negative NT SF

32 In conclusion………… “Now that I know why some people irritate me … I somehow find them slightly less irritating!”

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