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Presentation on theme: "GRAVITATIONAL WAVES FROM ACCRETING NS"— Presentation transcript:

A. Melatos, D. Payne, C. Peralta, M. Vigelius (U. Melbourne) X-ray timing → LMXB spins → GW “stalling” → promising kHz sources! Thermal mountains & r-modes Magnetic mountains: GW spectrum Precession & superfluid circulation

2 NS SPINS IN LMXBs narrow range RXTE timing breakup fNS LX Low-mass ~ MSun X-ray binaries: disk accretion kHz oscillations in thermonuclear X-ray bursts Simultaneous pulses → stellar spin Much slower than breakup (Chakrabarty et al. 03)

3 known period, sinusoidal, persistent & strong!
GW “STALLING” GW torque  e2 f 5 balances accretion torque  (dM/dt) Rdisk1/2 (Wagoner 84; Bildsten 98) Minimum quadrupole moment Narrow range of f since NGW  f 5 (steep!) BUT rad’n pressure → Nacc < 0 (Andersson et al. 05) Promising sources (e.g. Sco X-1): known period, sinusoidal, persistent & strong!

4 I. THERMAL MOUNTAIN Lateral T e- capture (A,Z) → (A,Z-1)
Occurs at lower r in hot spots (Bildsten 98) “Wavy” capture layers → e (A,Z) & heating gradient ↔ T ↔ thermal conductivity & nuclear reaction rate

5 GW correlated with thermal X-rays
Is e large enough? Elastic crust adjusts → reduces e Need DT/T ≈ 5% at base of outer crust Slow conduction & cracking (mshear < NkT), so e persists GW correlated with thermal X-rays e = 10-8 N core SF core LMXB data (A,Z) (heat) (Ushomirsky et al. 00)

6 II. r-MODES Rossby waves continuously excited in core (Andersson et al. 99); cf. ocean r-modes (Heyl 04) Amplitude (→ e) set by shear modulus, normal-superfluid friction (Lindblom & Mendell 99), boundary layer viscosity (Bildsten & Ushomirsky 00), radial crust-core coupling (Levin & Ushomirsky 01) Thermal instability (Levin 99) Quiescent LX ~ 1034 erg s-1 from NS transients, e.g. Aql X-1… not seen! (Brown & Ushomirsky 00)

7 (Bildsten & Ushomirsky 00)
VBL + superfluid core newly born NS VBL + normal core accreting NS r-mode grows 2 MSPs 3 GW losses 1 4 no VBL Onset of instability (Bildsten & Ushomirsky 00) Thermal runaway cycle (Levin 99)

8 III. MAGNETIC BURIAL (×B)×B-rF-P = 0 Polar accretion
Equatorward spreading Hydro pressure balanced by tension in compressed equatorial B: (×B)×B-rF-P = 0 Flux freezing →  ds r/|B| Need 10-5MSun (cf. Brown & Bildsten 98) 10-8MSun r B 10-5MSun r B (Payne & Melatos 04)

9 GW SIGNAL Magnetic mountain → e → wave strain hc Integrate for one yr
Resistivity, sinking… Magnetic moment ↓ (see NS binaries) Predict h  m-1 LIGO I LIGO II 10-2MSun 10-8MSun (Melatos & Payne 05)

10 Is this (distorted) magnetic field unstable? No!
“DRAINAGE” PARKER “BLISTER” mass & flux loss < 1% Is this (distorted) magnetic field unstable? No! Parker instability “already” happened (and line tying)

11 MHD OSCILLATIONS Perturb in Zeus 3D: “sloshes” stably for 2500 TAlfven
10-4MSun Perturb in Zeus 3D: “sloshes” stably for 2500 TAlfven Alfvén mode (slow) frequency depends on Ma Sound mode (fast) frequency independent of Ma

12 GW SPECTRUM h+ h 2f  d3Ixy/dt3 f 2f ☺ LIGO I LIGO II
f  d3Ixz/dt3 2f  d3Ixy/dt3 f x y z Wt 2f

13 PRECESSION Magnetic mountain inclined to W
Precession undamped: GW near f and 2f Precession damped: e3 → W , no X-ray pulses, GW at 2f only (if triaxial) Excitation Disk-magnetosphere torque (Jones & Andersson 02) Near-zone magnetic dipole torque (Melatos 00)

EKMAN PUMPING torque Re=104 Rotation in sphere drives meridional circulation Time-dependent & asymmetric at high Re ~ 1011 Precession: asymmetric KE of fluid → GW

15 3-dim superfluid hydro code (HVBK theory)
STREAM LINES KE SURFACE ruaub = const QUADRUPOLE e(t) FFT → e(f) 3-dim superfluid hydro code (HVBK theory) GW near 2f broadened by Ekman & precession

16 SUMMARY LMXB spins → GW “stalling” if e ≈ 10-8
Thermal & magnetic mountains & r-modes Detectable by LIGO II Spectrum broadened by (MHD) oscillations Precession Accretion by SN fallback? (Watts & Andersson 03) Surface asymmetry after r-p burning? (Jones 05)

17 Gone!


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