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Ailments of the Reproductive System

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Presentation on theme: "Ailments of the Reproductive System"— Presentation transcript:

1 Ailments of the Reproductive System

2 EPIDIDYMITIS A disease of the epididymus that is characterized by swelling, pain and fever. It worsens because of the physical activities one engages at.

3 HYDROCELE An accumulation of a watery, light-yellow colored liquid in the scrotum.

4 An inflammation of the testicles.
ORCHITIS An inflammation of the testicles.

5 SYPHILIS Painless sores that may disappear within a week. If not treated this may lead to heart, brain or eye damage.

6 GONORRHEA This is an infection of the urethra. Symptoms are itching of the urethra, burning sensation when urinating and a thick yellow discharge.

7 LEUKORRHEA This is a symptom of some disease of the birth canal, cervix or oviducts. It is characterized by a whitish discharge and a burning or itching sensation.

8 AMENORHEA The failure of menstruation to occur. IT appears during puberty and may be caused by over fatigue or emotional tension.

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