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National Review of Congenital Cardiac Services

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1 National Review of Congenital Cardiac Services
Carin van Doorn Chair Congenital Subcommittee

2 New National Review Congenital Cardiac Services
Started Commissioning Nov 2017 Completion ???2021 Covers England and Wales Not applicable to Scotland and Ireland -Scotland: amalgamation of paediatric services in Glasgow -Ireland: all Ireland service in Dublin for paediatric cardiac surgery

3 Based of Standards of Service
Covers whole patient pathway: antenatal diagnosis – end of life care Separate standards for adults and children Important standards: - Need for co-location of services - Minimal 125 operations/surgeon/yr (averaged over 3 yrs) - Minimum of 4 surgeons/unit (by 2021) ( No standards for training or research)

4 Service delivery via a Network approach
Level 1 (surgical centre) Level 2 (cardiology centre) Level 3 (local hospital)

5 Commissioned services
Paediatric All existing paediatric cardiac surgery centres remained open Special measures for Leicester, Newcastle, and Brompton ACHD Closure of Manchester as congenital surgical centre New surgical services to start at Liverpool (commenced Sept 18) with services provided in Leeds, Newcastle and Birmingham in mean time.

6 Progress over last year
Establishment of regional congenital cardiac networks On-going work to achieve the many standards for commissioning Concerns that with all 10 paediatric centres currently active, it is not possible for each centre to do 500 cases/yr with 4 surgeons ( Nicor submissions annually for 10 English centres plus Scotland and Ireland) Concerns about practicalities to deliver the prescribed activity - lack of PICU beds / adult ICU beds - lack of surgical manpower (> 15 new surgeons required over next 10 years) Development of more collaborative approach between centres, esp for multicentre research

7 Steps taken to address problems
SCTS stakeholder participation in new national PICU review Work in progress for peri-CCT congenital cardiac fellowship Ongoing discussions on how to ‘count’ number of cases - ? Counting double scrubbing - ? Are all cases counted equal Agreement for controlled randomised trial on cardioplegia through first round of BHF funding

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