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Presentation to Select Committee on Local Government & Administration

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1 Presentation to Select Committee on Local Government & Administration
16/01/2019 Presentation to Select Committee on Local Government & Administration

2 Financial Sustainability Turnaround Strategy
16/01/2019 Contents Background SITA Mandate Performance Overview ITAC Financial Sustainability Turnaround Strategy

3 16/01/2019 SITA Background The 1997/98 Presidential Review Commission Report identified problem areas regarding Information Technology Identified issues: Inability to - recruit and retain skilled personnel - manage IT procurement - position ICT as an enabler of Government in the delivery of public services Ineffective utilisation of expensive IT resources Integration of IT services and facilities across Government

4 SITA is mandated by Act of 88 of 1998 as amended
16/01/2019 SITA is mandated by Act of 88 of 1998 as amended The objective of the Agency is to: Provide information technology, information systems and related services; Maintain information systems security; and Act as an agent of the South African Government.

5 Performance Overview Successes Challenges Enterprise Agreements
16/01/2019 Performance Overview Successes Challenges Enterprise Agreements Youth Internship Programme Savings for Government E-Gateway Project Unqualified financial results Integration of State IT components Master Systems Plan Availability of critical services Printing ITAC processes Quality Services Pricing Timous delivery Stakeholder / Client relationships Cost recovery Transformation Skills retention and development Commercial and Agency role Bullet points illustrate the issues facing SITA in offering these non-mandatory services. Headcount for LAN: ~1,000 people. Headaches partly caused by regional structures which need to be managed. Example of non-transversal system would be eNATIS. SITA only engaged late and is therefore unable to influence or change an inappropriate process. Local Government: Lack of local govt expenditure is part of the reason for regions missing revenue targets, e.g. Gauteng budgeted R45M revenue from local govt but only invoiced R75,000. Training: SITA budgeted to lose ~R10M in 2005. R&D: R52M budgeted for 2005: ~R39M below the line & ~R13M above the line. Problems: not always customer focused & so value add is sometimes questionable. Very little primary research done.

6 ITAC handles only a fraction of Government IT spend
Source: BMI Technology; ITAC Note: Spend for period 1 April 2003 to 31 March 2004; ITAC has limited record of value spent through transversal contracts



9 The Three-year Strategic Imperatives…
16/01/2019 The Three-year Strategic Imperatives… 1.Radically improve service delivery to our clients 6.Maintain financial sustainability 2.Prioritise citizen-focused projects Mission To cost-effectively enhance public service delivery through ICT 5.Build an appropriate organisational structure and team to achieve our strategic objectives 3.Drive to best demonstrated practices in people management and leadership 4.Overhaul internal & external communications to improve transparency, visibility & image The next six slides detail the goals for each of the initiatives.

10 Umuntu Ngumntu Ngabantu

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