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Strategic Plan: OIC-Supercourse

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1 Strategic Plan: OIC-Supercourse
Millennium Promise Awards: Non-communicable Chronic Diseases Research Training Program (NCoD)(D43) This presentation overviews a strategic plan to build an Organization of Islamic Conference countries Supercourse at the Library of Alexandria for the prevention of disease. This would include all 57 OIC countries.

2 OIC-Supercourse Team Cameroon Dr. Nsagha Dickson Shey Sagha
Charles Shey Wiysonge Egypt Ghada Ahmad Nesrine Abdlk Arim Fayrouz Ashour Ghada Mohamed Bedair Nesrine Ezzart Shaaban Khalafallah Soha Rashed Aref Mostafa Rania Saad Afshin Safaie Ismail Serageldin AH Shaaban Gambia Mamady Njie Indonesia Jum’Atil Fajan Kuntoro Melva Elmda Sihombing Iran Elham Ahmadnejad Ali Ardalan Masoud Amiri Nayyereh Aminisani Omid Beiki Tahereh Changiz Majid Karandish Mehdi Osooli Raha Pazoki Farshad Pourmalek Afshin Safaie Morteza Shamshirgaran Hamid Soori Iraq Aamir Jalal Al Mosawi Jordan Kawkab Shishani Malaysia Mohd Hasni Jaafar Mohamed E. Abdel-Latif Nigeria Audu Alayande (WHO) Auou Alay Ande Olawale Adeboje Jeminusi Olubukunola Oman Abbashar Hassan Hamad Sais Al-Qufi Izzelden Al Sharief Pakistan Ali Yawar Alam Muhammad Irfan Parvez Nayani Palestine Jum’Atil Fajar (also US) Abdullatif Husseini AJ Jadalla Qatar Amy Sandridge Russia Eugene Shubnikov Saudi Arabia Khalid Al Aboud Abdulmohsen Alzalabani Khowlah A.A. Al-Mehiny Alzalasani David Tschanz Senegal LY Moussa Sudan Suad Sulaiman Syria Ghassen Shahrour Turkey Cengiz Cokluk Hakan Yaman UAE Abdel Rahim Belal USA Nadine Champi Sada Cumber Sonita Dodani Amer El-Ahraf Al-Mehiny Khawlah Ronald LaPorte Faina Linkov Douglas Rohn Francois Sauer WHO EMRO Najeeb Al-Shorbaji The OIC Supercourse team is growing rapidly. The NIH grant is targeted toward the Lower and Middle class Islamic Countries. Allready 18 countries and 61 faculty members have expressed an interest including NCD leaders at WHO, as well. We are discussing now with high SES OIC countries such as Oman and Qatar about the possibility of co-funding.

3 Ibn-Zakaria Al-Razi (Razes)
Abu-Bakr Mohammaed Ibn-Zakaria Al-Razi (Razes) AD Medicine “the art concerned in preserving healthy bodies, in combating disease, and restoring health to the sick” Some of the earliest roots of global health and prevention are from OIC countries. This is from one of the most famous Persian physicians, who puts preserving healthy bodies first, as we of the NIH-OIC team do also.

4 Supercourse Faculty in all countries working together to improve global health through improving prevention education The Supercourse works to improve global health by sharing all of our knowledge about the prevention of disease. For example, it makes sense that if a case of West Nile fever is seen in New York City that a public health official in the US would contact someone in Egypt for advise. Also, as has been seen with the horrible disasters in China, it is better to have a global expert network in place before the disaster rather than trying to cobble it together after a disaster. 4

5 Human Networks Iran USA LaPorte Ze Suliaman Serageldin Eqypt Ardalan
Sudan USA China Iran Ze LaPorte Suliaman Serageldin Ardalan What is important is not the use of the Internet to more powerfully reach other computers. Instead, what is important is the fostering of unique human networks. It is our minds, it is us talking across our disciplines, it us communicating across the world which will change the world. On the Internet we are borderless, and focused on Prevention. Every one in higher education can contribute to prevention. Eqypt

6 Concept: Why don’t scientists and educators share our most exciting PowerPoint slides and lectures on Prevention on the Internet for free? We lose nothing by putting our best PowerPoint slides lectures into an Internet library. In return our best lectures are seen by many more people, and we can use other people’s lectures as well to improve our teaching. Prevention lectures about Dengue from the Sudan can be used by faculty in in Puerto Rico to teach their students, and meta analysis from India can be used in Algeria. 6

7 56,000 Faculty 173 Countries Supercourse Network
Sharing of scientific lectures is dependent upon building a global network of prevention scientists. With the Supercourse we have networked close to 56,000 academic faculty members from 172 countries. This is a wonderful group of people who have agreed to share our best scientific lectures across borders with whomever wants to use them.

8 3455 Lectures >1,000,000 students taught
We have collected 3455 lectures. It is remarkable that these lectures have taught over 1 million students, with many students from OIC countries learning about global health and prevention through these lectures. >1,000,000 students taught

9 Nobel Laureate lectures
We have 14 lectures from Nobel prize winners, the head of the NIH, the former head of the CDC, the former Surgeon General of the US. We have over 200 outstanding lectures from Arab/Muslim countries. The lectures from the OIC countries are being used world wide to teach about prevention. We already have a set of wonderful Islamic Health lectures. . These are the highest rated lectures for Islamic health on the web (1 and 2/ 180,000) 9

10 Pakistan 620 Members Pakistani Supercourse Dr. Dodani
One of the largest networks we have is in Pakistan. During the Pakistani earthquake we were able to refer 40 people trained in public health to help the World Health Organization in their efforts to mitigate the disaster. We also gave Supercourse training courses for research in Pakistan, Egypt, Saudi Arabia and several other OIC countries on how to do scientific research which were attended by many students. Dr. Dodani 620 Members Pakistani Supercourse 10

11 Supercourse Mirror Sites
The copies of the course are proliferating rapidly, with over 40 now spread across the world. 42 Mirrored Sites, MOH Egypt, Sudan, China, Mongolia, Russia

12 Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.
Nelson Mandela Our mission statement is “Prevention education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the Health of the world”. We want to improve prevention education world wide so that not only is our own country healthier, but so is the world.

13 in the Supercourse team from 48 countries
1338 OIC members in the Supercourse team from 48 countries We already have many collaborators in OIC countries We plan to expand this network to reach as many people (especially in academia and MOH) who are interested in prevention. This global health network in OIC countries will be important for prevention, of disease, and mitigation of disasters.

14 Afghanistan 6 Albania 2 Algeria 1 Azerbaijan 28 Bahrain 7
Bangladesh Brunei Darussalam 1 Burkina Faso Cameroon Cote D’Ivorie Egypt Gabon Gambia 3 Guyana 2 Indonesia Iran Iraq 3 Jordan Kazakhstan Kuwait Kyrgyzstan 4 Lebanon 6 Malaysia Maldives 1 Mali 7 Morocco 6 Mozambique 4 Niger 3 Nigeria Oman 14 Pakistan Palestine 8 Papua New Guinea 4 Qatar Saudi Arabia Senegal Sierra Leone 1 Somalia 4 Sudan Syria 3 Tajikistan 3 Togo 1 Tunisia Turkey Turkmenistan UAE Uganda Uzbekistan 8 Yemen We have faculty from 48 of the 57 countries. In OIC countries we have outstanding representation from 630 in Pakistan, 104 from Egypt, 58 from Iran. We plan to double or triple the number of representatives from each country. Our goal is 5000 members by 2010.

15 Developed under grants from NASA and NLM/NIH 80 million hits a year
Highest Google Ranked Site for Global Health lectures 170 publications in Science, Nature, PNAS Top 100 PC magazine site Leading site Arabic for many Prevention topics Leading site in many OIC countries Enormous Sharing between OIC countries, US and world wide The Supercourse has had a long history. It was originally developed under grants from NASA and then the National Library of Medicine (NIH). It is one of the highest rated web sites today. We have had consider scientific interest with publications in Science, Nature, PNAS. We have published several papers with Arab/Muslim investigators on the importance of a Supercourse for Arab Science, and Islamic Health. There has been numerous technologic awards with our site being rated in the top 100 in PC magazine and identified as one of the top web sites in Science by Science Mag. If one examines Arabic Language Sites, many of our lectures are the tops in health as well. Also, within OIC countries there is considerable usage, with many having this as the primary site for lecture about health and prevention. The Supercourse has provided free sharing of prevention knowledge across OIC countries, as well as between the US and OIC countries, and world wide. 15 15

16 Building the OIC Supercourse
Translation of all lectures into Arabic, French and Farsi Creation of Primary centers in the Library of Alexandria and WHO CC Pittsburgh Increasing collaborators to 5,000 from all OIC countries Collection of Prevention lectures from OIC faculty Establishment of Country specific OIC sites Dissemination of lectures through Web, Mirrored servers, DVDs, Pod casting, etc. An OIC Supercourse is needed. To accomplish this we will first translate all the lectures into Arabic and French. The reason for this is that the lectures should not only be used by those in health, but they should be used in disciplines such as immunology, history, education, nutrition, nursing, etc. Our lectures are thus not targeted exclusively for physicians, but rather for all teachers in higher education. The two central organizing centres will be at the Library of Alexandria in Egypt, and the World Health Organization Collaborating Center in Pittsburgh. We already have had very successful collaboration with each other. This is not a one-way street of knowledge, it is a two way street. Some of the most outstanding lectures we have on disasters have been produced in Iran, we have outstanding lectures on how to develop research from Qatar. These types of lectures have taught many students in China, the US, Europe and Latin America. We will use various means to disseminate lectures throughout the OIC region as it is critical to bridge the digital divide. We have been using mirrored servers, DVDs, and even paper.

17 Sunita Dodani US/Pakistan Jesse Hung China Ronald LaPorte US
Soni Faina Ron Mita Ali Ali Ardalan Iran Sunita Dodani US/Pakistan Jesse Hung China Ronald LaPorte US Mita Lovalekar US/India Faina Linkov US/Ukraine Nicholas Padilla Mexico Rania Saad Egypt Francois Sauer US Eugene Shubnikov Russia Rania Nicholas Francois Eugene

18 This lecture is available at:

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