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Native American Creation Myths

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1 Native American Creation Myths
Compare/Contrast Native American Creation Myths

2 Brainstorm Use the story, your study guides, and/or your notes for help with your lists! List all of the differences you can come up with between the Iroquois and Pima creation myths. List all of the similarities you can come up with between the Iroquois and Pima creation myths.

3 Discuss Meet with a partner Discuss your lists.
Revisit the story together, finding any other differences or similarities you may have missed.

4 Write Summarize the similarities between the Iroquois and Pima creation myths in one paragraph. How are both myths solid representations of the common themes of Native American stories? In one or two additional paragraphs, argue that one myth is more effective than the other, using the differences between the Iroquois and Pima as support. Why is one story of creation more interesting, believable, complete, or representative of Native American beliefs?

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