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2 Sociological Perspectives
Mr. Findley Introduction to Sociology

3 What is a Sociological Perspective?
Tool for analyzing social life. Assumptions that guide research, methods, interpretations. Level of analysis Macro – Big Picture Micro – Smaller Group Behavior Three major perspectives in Sociology Functionalist Perspective Conflict Perspective Symbolic Interaction Perspective

4 Functionalist Perspective (Macro) Theorists – Comte, Spencer, Durkheim
Emphasizes the contributions of each part of society. A system of interrelated parts that function or operate together harmoniously. (All parts of a whole.) EX: Think of a stereo (Speakers, CD, Mp3, Tweeters, Woofers, etc.) or an Emergency Room (Doctors, Nurses, Technicians, I.T., etc.) A change in one leads to change in another. EX: Industrial Revolution (Economics change brought about family change) Organism & Social System Manifest vs. Latent Functions (Intended/Expected vs. Unintended /Unexpected) Function vs. Dysfunction (Stable/Orderly vs. Unstable/Disorderly) Not necessarily Good vs. Bad EX: Crime is both functional and dysfunctional

5 Organism Society is viewed as very similar to the human body.
Each part meets a need in order to maintain a normal state of balance. Organs are viewed as similar to social systems. 5

6 Social Systems Interdependent network of social institutions (family, school, business, religion, etc.) that shape our live. Social system contributes the stability of society. 6

7 Application of Functionalism
Homelessness Examine how changes in parts of society have increased homelessness. Economy Politics Family

8 Conflict Perspective (Macro) Theorists – Marx and Mills
Emphasizes conflict, competition, change, and constraint. Society is constantly changing in response to social inequality and conflict. Life = Contest (society is composed of diverse groups with conflicting values and interests aka disagreements) Power struggle (different groups desire to preserve/protect their own values and interests) Social Change EX: The Civil Rights Movement

9 Resources, Control, Authority
Power Struggle Wealth, Power, Prestige Resources, Control, Authority Various groups are in conflict to compete for limited resources, control, or authority. Dominate Groups Subordinate Groups 9

10 Social Change Conflict is inevitable and can be beneficial.
Leads to social change. Example: Civil Rights Movement Desegregation

11 Application of Conflict
Homelessness Examine the struggle between social classes. Upper classes control the economy and want to stay that way

12 Symbolic Interactionism Perspective (Micro) Theorists – Cooley and Mead
Emphasizes Symbols (objects, words, gestures, expression, sounds, etc.) The meaning of a symbol has nothing to do with the physical characteristics, rather meaning comes from those who create and use the symbol. EX: Wedding Rings, Flags, $$$ Basic Assumptions - Society is created through social interaction. Meaning is learned based on how others react to a symbol. Once meaning is understood, we base behavior around those ideas. We use meaning to imagine how others will react to our behavior. Dramaturgy (Goffman) – Human interaction is a theatrical performance.

13 Symbols People use symbols to develop views about the world and communicate with one another. Define ourselves and others Relationships Self-concept Social interactions allows society to exist

14 Application of Symbolic Interactionism
Homelessness Analyze the culture and communication of homeless people. How do they survive? How do they interact with one another in the shelters and streets?

15 Summary and Review Perspective Level of Analysis Point of View
Explaining the Homelessness Functionalist Marco level Various parts of society are interdependent and related. Examine how changes in parts of society have increased homelessness. Conflict Macro level Struggle for scarce resources by groups in society. Examine the struggle between social classes. Symbolic Interactionist Micro level How people use symbols to create society. Analyze the culture and communication of homeless people.


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