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Exploring Biodiversity for Solutions

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Presentation on theme: "Exploring Biodiversity for Solutions"— Presentation transcript:

1 Exploring Biodiversity for Solutions

2 BioDiversity 1,300,000 species described Likely over 8,000,000 total
Wheeler 1990

3 Some tools for exploring biodiversity
Explore trees Target key innovations Identify independent origins Target selective environments Browse natural history records Dig into the literature Ask a biologist

4 Organizing Life Phylogeny: hypothesized evolutionary relationships among a group of species

5 Target Clades with Key Innovations
Explore variation in that trait between environments, lineages, etc. Gamble et al 2012 PLoS One

6 Identify multiple evolutionary origins
For a particular trait For solving a particular problem

7 Target Selective Environments
Can you distill your problem into an environment organisms are adapted to?

8 Browse databases & natural history records
What are certain species or lineages really “good at?”

9 Browse databases & natural history records
What are certain species or lineages really “good at?”

10 Research the mechanism
Web of Science, PubMed, Google Scholar

11 Ask a Biologist We are always excited to talk about our study organisms! 200+ biologists at the University (CBS, CFANS) Find a specialist for your group of interest College of Biological Sciences website Bell Museum collections

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