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Lev Vaidman 23 August 2004, Cambridge Zion Mitrani Amir Kalev

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1 Lev Vaidman 23 August 2004, Cambridge Zion Mitrani Amir Kalev
QUBIT VERSUS BIT Lev Vaidman Zion Mitrani Amir Kalev Phys. Rev. Lett. 92, (2004), quant-ph/ 23 August 2004, Cambridge

2 BIT QUBIT q, f

3 QUBIT BIT q, f TO WRITE q, f TO WRITE 0, 1 TO READ 0, 1 NO!


5 Teleportation UNKNOWN QUBIT 2 BITS

6 Teleportation UNKNOWN QUBIT 2 BITS 2

7 We cannot store and retrieve more than one bit in a qubit HOLEVO
What can we do with a qubit that we cannot do with a bit?

8 ? or We cannot store and retrieve more than one bit in a qubit HOLEVO
What can we do with a qubit that we cannot do with a bit? Tasks with 2 possible outcomes We know ? or

9 ? or We cannot store and retrieve more than one bit in a qubit HOLEVO
What can we do with a qubit that we cannot do with a bit? Tasks with 2 possible outcomes We know ? or

10 ? or We cannot store and retrieve more than one bit in a qubit HOLEVO
What can we do with a qubit that we cannot do with a bit? Tasks with 2 possible outcomes We know ? or

11 Measurement of the parity of the integral of a classical field
Galvao and Hardy,Phys. Rev. Lett. 90, (2003)

12 Measurement of the integral of a classical field

13 Measurement of the integral of a classical field
B A Binary representation of I . . … 1 0 1 . . . .

14 . . . . . . … 1 0 1

15 What can we do with bits passing one at a time?

16 What can we do with bits passing one at a time?
or A We can “write” a real number in a bit as the probability of its flip

17 Uncertainty in measurement with bits
Optimization for The number of bits for finding is

18 Uncertainty in measurement with bits
Optimization for The number of bits for finding is The number of qubits for finding is Quantum method yields precise result for integer I if

19 Measurement of the integral of a classical field

20 Measurement of the integral of a classical field
B A N qubits

21 Measurement of the integral of a classical field
B A N entangled qubits Peres and Scudo PRL (2001)

22 But the digital method works much better!
. . . . . .

23 Classical uncertainty
Quantum uncertainty Classical uncertainty




27 Information about I in N qubits is in
Can we use a single particle in a superposition of N different states instead? . . . . . . . . .

28 Information about I in N qubits is in
Can we use a single particle in a superposition of N different states instead? . . . . . . . . . No. Hilbert space is too small:

29 Measurement of the integral of a classical field with a single particle in a superposition of states

30 Measurement of the integral of a classical field with a single particle in a superposition of states

31 Measurement of the integral of a classical field with a single particle in a superposition of states
Measurement yields

32 The probability of the error

33 N qubits Single particle

34 N qubits Single particle
Binary representation of k

35 N qubits Single particle
Binary representation of k Interaction

36 N qubits Single particle

37 Measurement of the integral of a classical field with N bits running together
Quantum methods

38 How to read a string of length out of strings using a single particle?

39 How to read a string of length out of strings using a single particle?

40 How to read a string of length out of strings using a single particle?
1 We need at least Bits instead

41 What else can we do with the quantum phase?

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