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Photosynthesis & Respiration

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Presentation on theme: "Photosynthesis & Respiration"— Presentation transcript:

1 Photosynthesis & Respiration
Energy from the Sun: Radiant Energy: energy that travels through empty space e.g. -ultraviolet radiation -visible radiant energy LG: to describe cell respiration & photosynthesis with respect to energy flow & matter cycling within ecosystems

2 Photosynthesis & Respiration
Light Energy: visible forms of radiant energy (ROYGBIV) -70% is absorbed and converted into thermal energy LG: to describe cell respiration & photosynthesis with respect to energy flow & matter cycling within ecosystems

3 Photosynthesis & Respiration
Thermal Energy: the form of energy transferred during heating or cooling -also called infra-red radiation -thermal energy keeps the Earth warm enough for life to exist. LG: to describe cell respiration & photosynthesis with respect to energy flow & matter cycling within ecosystems

4 Photosynthesis & Respiration
Photosynthesis: the process in which the Sun's energy is converted into chemical energy LG: to describe cell respiration & photosynthesis with respect to energy flow & matter cycling within ecosystems

5 Photosynthesis & Respiration
Photosynthesis: the process in which the Sun's energy is converted into chemical energy Producer: an organism that makes its own energy-rich food compounds using sunlight LG: to describe cell respiration & photosynthesis with respect to energy flow & matter cycling within ecosystems

6 Photosynthesis & Respiration
Photosynthesis: the process in which the Sun's energy is converted into chemical energy chemical reaction: sunlight carbon + water sugar + oxygen dioxide -the sugar contains stored chemical energy in the chemical bonds of the molecule LG: to describe cell respiration & photosynthesis with respect to energy flow & matter cycling within ecosystems

7 Photosynthesis & Respiration
Cell Respiration: the process by which the energy from sugar is converted into useable energy in cells chemical reaction: sugar + oxygen energy + carbon + water dioxide -all living cells do cell respiration to obtain energy LG: to describe cell respiration & photosynthesis with respect to energy flow & matter cycling within ecosystems

8 Photosynthesis & Respiration
LG: to describe cell respiration & photosynthesis with respect to energy flow & matter cycling within ecosystems

9 Photosynthesis & Respiration
Consumer: an organism that obtains its energy by consuming other organisms LG: to describe cell respiration & photosynthesis with respect to energy flow & matter cycling within ecosystems

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