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The Circular Flow of Income

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Presentation on theme: "The Circular Flow of Income"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Circular Flow of Income

2 The circular flow of income
The interdependence of goods markets and factor markets

3 The interdependence of goods and factor markets
FIRMS (suppliers of goods and services, demanders of factor services) HOUSEHOLDS (demanders of goods and services, suppliers of factor services)

4 The interdependence of goods and factor markets
(3) Factor demand (2) Producer supply Factor services Goods P P D2 S S D2 D1 D1 PF2 P2 QF2 PF1 P1 Q2 QF1 Q1 O Factor services Q Goods O Q (4) Factor supply (1) Consumer demand

5 The circular flow of income
Consumption, injections, withdrawals and equilibrium

6 The circular flow of income
Firms Factor payments Consumption of domestically produced goods and services (Cd) Households

7 The circular flow of income
Export expenditure (X) INJECTIONS Government expenditure (G) Investment (I) Consumption of domestically produced goods and services (Cd) BANKS, etc Net saving (S) ABROAD Import expenditure (M) Factor payments GOV. Net taxes (T) WITHDRAWALS

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