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A Man Believes. A Man Believes You have beliefs that you have made your own, which you use regularly for guidance as you attempt to predict and respond.

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2 A Man Believes

3 You have beliefs that you have made your own, which you use regularly for guidance as you attempt to predict and respond to life. A. The development of beliefs is a natural result of the child’s need to evaluate his world and develop coping mechanisms for dealing with it. The internalization of others’ beliefs does not necessarily mean that their beliefs are true, realistic or helpful.

4 No one gets through life without dealing with the fact that some of their beliefs are not accurate.
A. You must take responsibility for the beliefs that are foundational to your life. A knight tests each of his beliefs: 1. To see if any of his beliefs contradict any of his other beliefs. 2. To see if any of his beliefs impair his personal sense of reality, lack practical value and are not relevant to his life. 3. To see if any of his beliefs are affirmed or rejected by the people he respects.

5 No one gets through life without dealing with the fact that some of their beliefs are not accurate.
A. You must take responsibility for the beliefs that are foundational to your life. A knight tests each of his beliefs: 4. To see if any of his beliefs lead to negative consequences or destructive actions, or hurt others. 5. To see if he can stand behind each of them, and if he can share each of them proudly with others.

6 No one gets through life without dealing with the fact that some of their beliefs are not accurate.
A. You must take responsibility for the beliefs that are foundational to your life. A knight tests each of his beliefs: 6. To see how well each of his beliefs integrates with his knightly values of honesty, generosity, kindness, peace and love. 7. To see how well each of his beliefs enhances his life by encouraging him to take responsibility for his actions.

7 No one gets through life without dealing with the fact that some of their beliefs are not accurate.
A. You must take responsibility for the beliefs that are foundational to your life. A knight tests each of his beliefs: 8. To see if any of his beliefs can be used as a principle or permanent ground rule for his life.

8 He was a quiet follower of Jesus, but stood up for his beliefs after Jesus died.
(John 19:38-42)

9 No one gets through life without dealing with the fact that some of their beliefs are not accurate.
A. You must take responsibility for the beliefs that are foundational to your life. A knight tests each of his beliefs: 9. To ensure that he is comfortable with each of them and is willing to make each one a part of his future definition of reality He needs to decide if he can authentically support each of his beliefs with his emotional passion and intellectual prowess. 10. To see if each of his beliefs is consistent with what the Bible teaches regarding what God wants for him.

10 No one gets through life without dealing with the fact that some of their beliefs are not accurate.
B. A knight knows the 15 Principles of Manhood‡ and uses them to develop his core. 1. Males are born while men are forged. Manhood only occurs as a result of intentional effort. 2. A man is responsible for all of his choices. Manhood is incompatible with a “victim” viewpoint. 3. A man’s world is constantly in motion. Manhood requires a man to constantly evaluate his choices to see if change is necessary.

11 No one gets through life without dealing with the fact that some of their beliefs are not accurate.
B. A knight knows the 15 Principles of Manhood and uses them to develop his core. 4. Men are amazing and every man is of infinite worth Manhood affirms God’s definition of what a man is. A knight attempts to live up to this definition. 5. Men do whatever it takes. Manhood does not allow for excuses. A man works hard and faces the challenges of life.

12 No one gets through life without dealing with the fact that some of their beliefs are not accurate.
B. A knight knows the 15 Principles of Manhood and uses them to develop his core. 6. A man is dedicated to continuous learning. Manhood is about continual growth, as each life stage offers new opportunities to learn life's lessons. 7. Only the true you will get you through. Manhood demands authenticity and a deep understanding of the self which cannot be faked.

13 No one gets through life without dealing with the fact that some of their beliefs are not accurate.
B. A knight knows the 15 Principles of Manhood and uses them to develop his core. 8. A man shapes the forest more than the forest shapes the man. The manhood journey sends the man into the forest with the quest of making a specific difference in the lives of others. 9. The best way for a man to predict his future is to create it. Manhood changes the trajectory of the male’s life from one future endpoint to the nobler destination of knighthood.

14 No one gets through life without dealing with the fact that some of their beliefs are not accurate.
B. A knight knows the 15 Principles of Manhood and uses them to develop his core. 10. A man accepts that to live is to be challenged through crisis and hardship. Manhood does not make false promises of a life of ease, but within the man: Strength is created from weakness. Courage from fear. New skills from difficulty.

15 No one gets through life without dealing with the fact that some of their beliefs are not accurate.
B. A knight knows the 15 Principles of Manhood and uses them to develop his core. 10. A man accepts that to live is to be challenged through crisis and hardship. Manhood does not make false promises of a life of ease, but within the man: Stronger love from imperfection. Confidence from failure. Depth from pain.

16 No one gets through life without dealing with the fact that some of their beliefs are not accurate.
B. A knight knows the 15 Principles of Manhood and uses them to develop his core. 10. A man accepts that to live is to be challenged through crisis and hardship. Manhood does not make false promises of a life of ease, but within the man: Opportunity from crisis. Deeper friendships from conflict. Perseverance from hardship.

17 No one gets through life without dealing with the fact that some of their beliefs are not accurate.
B. A knight knows the 15 Principles of Manhood and uses them to develop his core. 11. A man never stands alone unless he is taking a stand. Manhood is a team sport. No one can fully understand himself without the feedback and support of others. Thus, regular attendance at a campfire is essential. 12. A man knows when to say “I was wrong” and humbly faces his errors. Manhood demands that you admit your imperfections and move toward positive change.

18 No one gets through life without dealing with the fact that some of their beliefs are not accurate.
B. A knight knows the 15 Principles of Manhood and uses them to develop his core. 13. A man does not always get it right the first time, but keeps on trying until he does. Manhood does not create perfection within a man, but it does create resiliency, perseverance and strength. 14. A man lives by his principles, and to do this, he must carefully choose them. He uses these principles as standards to live by Because of this process, many of his choices have been predetermined, making his response either “I can” or “I can’t.”

19 No one gets through life without dealing with the fact that some of their beliefs are not accurate.
B. A knight knows the 15 Principles of Manhood and uses them to develop his core. 15. A man submits to an authority beyond himself. Manhood is bigger than one individual. There are manhood principles that must be followed, cultural rules which a man lives by, values which a man must establish and spiritual decisions which determine a man’s destiny. ‡ Visit to view the images we have associated with the 15 Principles of Manhood.

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