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Agriscience Exploration

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1 Agriscience Exploration
Terms to Know: 1. Agriculture – the science and art of raising crops and livestock 2. Agribusiness – any business that supports agriculture 3. Business – the buying and selling of products and service. 4. Crops – plants raised for profit or use

2 Terms: continued 5. Livestock – animals raised for profit or use 6. Products – items made or grown for sale or use 7. Trade – the exchange of goods or money

3 Agriculture in History:
1.The American Revolution started because the British tried to tax the colonists on agriculture products such as tea. 2. The Civil War was primarily a clash between a manufacturing-based northern economy and southern agriculture-based economy.

4 Agriculture in History: cont….
3. Native Americans fought for the preservation of their tribal grounds and came into bloody conflict with settlers when the Indian food supply was threatened. 4. The lack of affordable agricultural products contributed to the demise of the Soviet Union.

5 Statistics: Almost 1 in every 5 Americans works in an agriculture-related job Americans spend an average of 10.3 percent of their incomes on food, compared with 18 percent in Japan, 31.9 percent in Mexico, and 52.6 percent in India.

6 In 1990, American crops sold for almost
Statistics: cont…. Much of our agricultural profit comes from selling products to other countries. In 1990, American crops sold for almost 20 billion dollars more than Americans spent on agricultural products from other countries.

7 Statistics: cont…. In 1980, approximately 4.45 billion people lived on the earth. By 1990, that number had grown to 5.29 billion and by 2000, more than 6.25 billion people are on the earth.

8 Statistics: cont…. Using modern farming techniques, food and fiber for the average American can be raised on a piece of land about the size of a football field (one acre). On 1949, the average American farmer produced enough food and fiber for 18.5 people; by 1970 enough for 73.1 people; Today 128, (94 Americans and 34 abroad).

9 Statistics: cont….. Agriculture is the nation’s largest employer, with 21 million people working in some phase – from growing food and fiber, to selling it at the supermarket.

10 Assignment: Look in the phone book and find 10 agribusinesses and bring in the name and phone number to class tomorrow.

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