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Session 4: Commercial Opportunities Panel Discussion: Reviewing spectrum pricing mechanisms & relationship with spectrum efficiency Bashir Patel

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1 Session 4: Commercial Opportunities Panel Discussion: Reviewing spectrum pricing mechanisms & relationship with spectrum efficiency Bashir Patel

2 Spectrum Assignment & Management
Spectrum Management Overview Must be managed to ensure effective use Governments and regulators must consider public & commercial benefits Spectrum should be allocated appropriately Based on the 3 types (either “Beauty Contest”, Unlicensed, Auction (price based) approaches) Economic considerations are necessary Scarcity of spectrum demands efficient use and management

3 Telecom & Spectrum Pricing Overview
Types One-Off Mechanism Annual recurring Telecommunications Service Licensing Fee X Free, 2. Cost-based or 3. AIP (driven Mkt value, time period) Local, National or Intl, Numbering Fixed per block Renewal fixed fee Universal Service Contribution N/A 1-5% of T/O Arbitrary Spectrum Licensing Fee Amount of MHz, time period & coverage Based on formula - amount MHz and coverage area Stations licensing Fixed fee Per site Type approval One-off admin Remind that 5G requires a mix of technologies, each with its own characteristics and requirements Highlight satellites provide often unique services thanks to global harmonization, vendors do not depend on global harmonization to reduce cost Ultimately both technologies & their services are components of the future telecoms eco-system Are we not `over taxing the operators ‘

4 Spectrum Pricing & Efficiency
A range of factors influence spectrum value Spectrum in one band may not be substitutable with that in another: Physical characteristics Equipment availability and cost Technical licence conditions Regulatory constraints Harmonisation status There is no one spectrum market, but a series of discrete submarkets The value of spectrum is likely to exhibit discontinuities 4

5 Panel Discussions Spectrum Pricing & Efficiency
“Reviewing Spectrum Pricing mechanism and relationship with Spectrum efficiency” Is there a correlation ? - Goal has to be to have maximum efficient use of this scarce resource - spectrum Does AIP mechanism bring about efficient use of spectrum ? Designed for licensee to optimally use spectrum, Promotes optimal use, Provides value of spectrum, should be market driven / demand based How can we incentivise to bring about more efficient use of spectrum ? - Greater contractual flexibility, long term foresight, spectrum trading, re-farming

6 Panel Discussions Spectrum Pricing & Efficiency
Efficient use of spectrum May include that all spectrum be assigned Efficient assignment of spectrum Spectrum is assigned to the bidders that value it most Ensuring and/or safeguarding competition Could include promoting new entrants or ensuring minimum number of competitors Increasing broadband penetration and roll-out and/or enhancing coverage in rural areas Promoting innovation Promoting business opportunities and employment (economic development)

7 Thank You!

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