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Proposal for network selection cluster

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1 Proposal for network selection cluster
2019/1/16 doc.: IEEE /0915r0 2019/1/16 Proposal for network selection cluster Date: Authors: Notice: This document has been prepared to assist IEEE It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein. Release: The contributor grants a free, irrevocable license to the IEEE to incorporate material contained in this contribution, and any modifications thereof, in the creation of an IEEE Standards publication; to copyright in the IEEE’s name any IEEE Standards publication even though it may include portions of this contribution; and at the IEEE’s sole discretion to permit others to reproduce in whole or in part the resulting IEEE Standards publication. The contributor also acknowledges and accepts that this contribution may be made public by IEEE Patent Policy and Procedures: The contributor is familiar with the IEEE 802 Patent Policy and Procedures <>, including the statement "IEEE standards may include the known use of patent(s), including patent applications, provided the IEEE receives assurance from the patent holder or applicant with respect to patents essential for compliance with both mandatory and optional portions of the standard." Early disclosure to the Working Group of patent information that might be relevant to the standard is essential to reduce the possibility for delays in the development process and increase the likelihood that the draft publication will be approved for publication. Please notify the Chair as early as possible, in written or electronic form, if patented technology (or technology under patent application) might be incorporated into a draft standard being developed within the IEEE Working Group. If you have questions, contact the IEEE Patent Committee Administrator at Patrick Mo, Huawei Zhonghui Yao, Huawei

2 Outline Requirements Addressed New IEs for the Requirements
2019/1/16 Outline Requirements Addressed New IEs for the Requirements Architecture Networks Selection Mechanism Amendment of the specification General Requirements Consideration Assessment of our proposal Summary Patrick Mo, Huawei

3 Requirements Addressed
2019/1/16 doc.: IEEE /0915r0 2019/1/16 Requirements Addressed Cluster Requirement Addressed or No Network Selection N1 (Required) Addressed N2 (Required) No N3 (Required) N4 (Required) N5 (Optional) N6 (Out of Scope) N7 (Complete) N8 (Required) Patrick Mo, Huawei Zhonghui Yao, Huawei

4 Requirement N1 N1: Notes: 2019/1/16
“Define functionality by which a STA can determine whether its subscription to an SSPN would allow it to access a particular AN before actually joining a BSS within that AN. Proposals must describe their consideration of scalability. ” Notes: “It’s not acceptable for a STA to be required to attempt IEEE 802.1X authentication with all available networks until it finds one that works. Equally a solution is not practical if it requires every possible credential supplier to be listed in a beacon (due to scalability problems). The functionality needs to cover the case where the STA’s SSPN has no direct relationship with the AN, but a direct relationship (r.g. a roaming agreement in case of cellular networks) with an SSPN that has a direct relationship with the AN. Proposals are expected to provide both active (e.g. probe & response) and passive (e.g. beacon) mechanisms.” Patrick Mo, Huawei

5 2019/1/16 Requirement N3 N3: “Define functionality to support authentication with multiple SSPNs through a single AP.” Notes: “ It’s not acceptable to require a separate “virtual” AP for each SSPN. Note that this is not a requirement that a STA be able to use multiple SSPNs simultaneously – that comes later. This is just saying that a single AP can have a population of STAs where some are using one SSPN, and some another one.” Patrick Mo, Huawei

6 Requirement N4 N4: Notes:
2019/1/16 Requirement N4 N4: “Define functionality by which a STA can determine which interworking services are available before joining a BSS. ” Notes: “ A classic example is whether internet access is provided (some open networks might exist only to give access to a local serve) but the style of interworking may also be significant – is tight or loose coupling provided? Is access to IMS in the SSPN provided? See 11-05/1595r0 for more on this subject.” Patrick Mo, Huawei

7 Requirement N5 N5: Notes:
2019/1/16 Requirement N5 N5: “Functionality shall be provided by which APs can advertise (before connection) the charges that will be made for use of the network if connection is authorized based on an SSPN subscription. ” Notes: “This is thought to probably be impractical, but the group is willing to listen to proposals.” Patrick Mo, Huawei

8 Requirement N8 N8: Notes:
2019/1/16 doc.: IEEE /0915r0 2019/1/16 Requirement N8 N8: “Define functionality by which the STA is able to determine what online enrolment (also called online subscription) methods are supported by the local network. ” Notes: “Some networks allow users to enroll “over the air” – for example, the Wi-Fi alliance has defined such functionality based on browser capture, as part of the Universal Access Method – (UAM) concept. The idea is to allow a STA to determine whether a network supports such functionality (and if so which one). If the network does not support enrolment, then the user must already be in possession of security credentials (e.g. as determined by the EAP method in use) unless the network provides open access .” Patrick Mo, Huawei Zhonghui Yao, Huawei

9 New IEs Path-IE definition
2019/1/16 New IEs Path-IE definition Element ID Length ESSID SSPN Number SSPN ID List 6 octet 1 octet TBD ESSID : being used to identify an ESS, A MAC address SSPN Number : the length of SSPN ID List SSPN ID List : indicating a list of SSPN identification Patrick Mo, Huawei

10 ( Cont. ) When uses the Path-IE? Beacon frame( Path-IE, …)
2019/1/16 ( Cont. ) When uses the Path-IE? Beacon frame( Path-IE, …) Network advertises its direct subscription SSPNs. Probe request (Path-IE, …) STA indicates its desired SSPN to network. Probe response (Path-IE, …) Network responses user’s desired SSPN to STA. Association request (Path-IE, …) STA announces its desired SSPN to current WLAN. Path-IE addresses the requirements of N1 and N3. Patrick Mo, Huawei

11 New IEs (Cont.) 2. Container-IE definition Element ID Length
2019/1/16 New IEs (Cont.) 2. Container-IE definition Element ID Length Request/Response for external network information variable Request/Response for local external network information: Interworking service type Charges etc. When uses the Container-IE ? When querying information, Container-IE is contained in probe request/response or action frame. Container-IE addresses the requirements of N4 and N5. Patrick Mo, Huawei

12 New IEs (Cont.) 3. Interworking Capability element definition
2019/1/16 New IEs (Cont.) 3. Interworking Capability element definition Element ID Length Interworking Capability Indication ( 1 octet) Enrolment methods counter (1 octets) Enrolment methods List (4-m octets) variable Interworking capability (1 bit) Credential (1 bit) Enrolment (1 bit) Reserved (5 bits) There are the following network access control policy: Credential Enrolment Network Access Control Policy No Open Yes Online Enrolment YES Both enrolment and credential Patrick Mo, Huawei

13 ( Cont. ) Enrolment methods counter Field:
2019/1/16 ( Cont. ) Enrolment methods counter Field: The number of enrolment methods Enrolment methods list Field: Enrolment method is identified by OUI + type as right: OUI (3 octets) Type (1 octets) When uses the Interworking Capability element ? Beacon (Interworking Capability IE, …) Local WLAN announces its interworking capability information via beacon frame. Probe request (Interworking Capability IE, …) STA can query interworking capability information of local WLAN via probe request. Interworking Capability IE addresses the requirements of N8. Patrick Mo, Huawei

14 Architecture of network selection
2019/1/16 doc.: IEEE /0915r0 2019/1/16 Architecture of network selection The entrance can be regarded as a logical entity, which is in charge of exchanging external network information between a WLAN and external networks. External Networks Entrance Information Query 2) Information Query Request 3) Information Query Response 1) External Network Discovery Request This is an architecture of network selection. There are three logical entities, which are WLAN, entrances, and external networks. A WLAN can utilize one or more entrances. The entrance is used to save or gain the related information of external networks. It is a bridge of WLAN gaining the information of external networks in logical. STA AP 4) External Network Discovery Response Patrick Mo, Huawei Zhonghui Yao, Huawei

15 Networks Selection Mechanism
2019/1/16 Networks Selection Mechanism 1. Passive discovery STA AP Beacon (Path-IE, Interworking Capability IE) Path-IE contains the current WLAN’s direct subscription SSPN, in order to lighten the overload of beacon. Interworking Capability IE contains the interworking capability information. Patrick Mo, Huawei

16 Networks Selection Mechanism (cont.)
2019/1/16 Networks Selection Mechanism (cont.) 2. Active discovery Optional Probe request ( Path-IE, Container-IE, Interworking Capability IE ) STA AP Probe response (Path-IE, Container-IE, Interworking Capability IE) Path-IE contains user’s desired SSPN identifier; Container-IE contains external network information, such as interworking service type and charges, etc; Interworking Capability IE contains interworking capability information. We propose using new action frames, which includes a Container-IE, to request more external network information. Patrick Mo, Huawei

17 2019/1/16 STA AP Backend Probe request (Path-IE, Container-IE, Interworking Capability IE) Request Probe response (Path-IE, Container-IE, Interworking Capability IE) Response Action request (Container-IE) Request Optional. gaining more external network information Action response (Container-IE) Response Association request (Path-IE) Association response (Path-IE) Patrick Mo, Huawei

18 2019/1/16 STA AP Backend Beacon frame (Path-IE, Interworking Capability element) Action request (Container-IE) Request Optional. gaining more external network information Action response (Container-IE) Response Association request (Path-IE) Association response (Path-IE) Patrick Mo, Huawei

19 Action frame formats 2019/1/16
Two Action frame formats are defined for external network information inquiring. Action value field Description External network information request 1 External network information response 2~255 Reserved Category Action Value (=0) Container IE Octets x Category Action Value (=1) Container IE Octets x Patrick Mo, Huawei

20 Amendment of the 802.11 specification
2019/1/16 Amendment of the specification Based on ma D7.0 Give an amendment of the following charters: Chapter 3: Definition Chapter 5: General description Chapter 7: Frame formats Chapter 10: Layer management Chapter 11: MLME Patrick Mo, Huawei

21 Chapter 3: Definition Adding a new definition
2019/1/16 Chapter 3: Definition Adding a new definition Entrance: The entrance is in charge of exchanging external network information between a WLAN and external networks, and can be regarded as a logical entity by which AP can retrieve information from external network.. Patrick Mo, Huawei

22 Chapter 5: General description
2019/1/16 Chapter 5: General description Insert the following text to the end of the indented list of subclause 5.2: p) Interworking service Then, the following context will be added as a part of overview of Virtual Link Service: Before a STA associates with a WLAN, it needs know whether its subscription to a SSP would allow it to access this WLAN, so some information discovery mechanisms will be provided for the STA to obtain the related external network information from the external network through a WLAN. An entrance can assist a STA to achieve the external network information discovery. Patrick Mo, Huawei

23 Chapter 7: Frame formats
2019/1/16 Chapter 7: Frame formats Three new information elements and one new action management frame are defined to support the Virtual Link approach. Path element ( see slide 9 ) Container element ( see slide 11 ) Interworking Capability element ( see slide 12 ) Action frames ( see next slide) Patrick Mo, Huawei

24 Chapter 10: Layer management
2019/1/16 Chapter 10: Layer management Some primitives provided by the MLME are specified to support the External network information discovery Patrick Mo, Huawei

25 Initiated by network selection action frame
2019/1/16 Initiated by network selection action frame When a STA wants to inquire the external network information by action frame, it will initiate the external network information discovery by the follow primitives. Information Query request Information Query response MLME-EXTNETINF.request SME MLME MLME-ROMOTEREQ.indication MLME-EXTNETINF.confirm MLME-ROMOTEREQ.response IEEE STA IEEE AP RRB Network selection action request Network selection action response Entrance Patrick Mo, Huawei

26 Initiated by probe request or beacon broadcast
2019/1/16 Initiated by probe request or beacon broadcast When the AP receives a probe request which contains the Path IE or when the AP wants to broadcast a beacon, the AP will initiate the external network information discovery as follows MLME MLME-ROMOTEREQ.indication MLME-ROMOTEREQ.response IEEE AP RRB Probe Request or preparing for beacon broadcast Information Query request Entrance Probe response or beacon of external Network information Information Query response Patrick Mo, Huawei

27 2019/1/16 Chapter 11: MLME The network selection procedure is newly added as a independent subclause into Chapter 11 Passive discovery Active discover Patrick Mo, Huawei

28 Assessment of our proposal
2019/1/16 Assessment of our proposal The network selection approach of this submission meets the N1, N3, N4, N5 and N8 requirements of the Network selection cluster. The network selection approach of this document also meets G1, G2 and G3. Patrick Mo, Huawei

29 G1: Minimize battery consumption for Mobile device
2019/1/16 doc.: IEEE /0915r0 2019/1/16 G1: Minimize battery consumption for Mobile device In this proposal, Beacon broadcasts the Path-IE which contains the direct SSPNs, that will speed the network selection procedure, minimize the battery consumption for mobile device. Patrick Mo, Huawei Zhonghui Yao, Huawei

30 2019/1/16 doc.: IEEE /0915r0 2019/1/16 G2: Security Impact Beacon and Probe request/response frames are unprotected even in w. But maybe we can protect some IEs e.g. container-IE in these management frames. Is it in the scope of TGu for IEs protection? Patrick Mo, Huawei Zhonghui Yao, Huawei

31 G3: Allow APs to serve legacy STAs
2019/1/16 doc.: IEEE /0915r0 2019/1/16 G3: Allow APs to serve legacy STAs Beacon Legacy STAs will ignore any IEs that defined by TGu Probe Request from Legacy STA AP don’t do any extra process when no IEs defined by TGu included in Probe Request. Association Request from Legacy STA AP don’t do any extra process when no IEs defined by TGu included in Association Request. Patrick Mo, Huawei Zhonghui Yao, Huawei

32 Summary of this proposal
2019/1/16 doc.: IEEE /0915r0 2019/1/16 Summary of this proposal This proposal contains: Network selection approach meeting the requirements of Network selection cluster and General cluster. Passive discovery, active discovery. IEs, Action frames. Amendment of the specification. Give an amendment the specification based on the Passive & active discovery. References: [1] IEEE P802.11ma-D7.0 [2] u-tgu-requirements [3] u-proposal-network-selection-cluster.ppt Patrick Mo, Huawei Zhonghui Yao, Huawei

33 2019/1/16 Feedback? Patrick Mo, Huawei

34 2019/1/16 Thank You! Patrick Mo, Huawei

35 2019/1/16 Backup The detailed primitives for external network information discovery are showed in the next slides. Patrick Mo, Huawei

36 MLME-SCAN. request 2019/1/16 MLME-SCAN.request ( BSSType, BSSID, SSID,
doc.: IEEE /0915r0 2019/1/16 MLME-SCAN. request MLME-SCAN.request ( BSSType, BSSID, SSID, ScanType, ProbeDelay, ChannelList, MinChannelTime, MaxChannelTime, PathIE, /*The value from the Path IE. */ InterworkingCapabilityIE, /*The value from the Container IE. */ ContainerIE /*The value from the Interworking Capability IE. */ ) Patrick Mo, Huawei Zhonghui Yao, Huawei

37 MLME-SCAN. confirm Add the following rows to the BSSDescription table:
2019/1/16 MLME-SCAN. confirm Add the following rows to the BSSDescription table: Name Type Valid range Description Path IE As defined in frame format The value from the Path IE.. Container IE The value from the Container IE. Interworking Capability IE The value from the Interworking Capability IE. Patrick Mo, Huawei

38 MLME-ASSOCIATE. request
2019/1/16 MLME-ASSOCIATE. request MLME-ASSOCIATE.request ( PeerSTAAddress, AssociateFailureTimeout, CapabilityInformation, ListenInterval, Supported Channels, RSN, PathIE /*The value from the Path IE. This element may be present if dot11InterworkingOptionImplement is true. */ ) Patrick Mo, Huawei

39 MLME-ASSOCIATE. confirm
2019/1/16 MLME-ASSOCIATE. confirm MLME-ASSOCIATE.confirm ( ResultCode, CapabilityInformation, AssociationID, SupportedRates, PathIE /*The value from the Path IE. This element may be present if dot11InterworkingOptionImplement is true. */ ) Patrick Mo, Huawei

40 MLME-ASSOCIATE. indication
2019/1/16 MLME-ASSOCIATE. indication MLME-ASSOCIATE.indication ( PeerSTAAddress, CapabilityInformation, ListenInterval, SSID, SupportedRates, RSN, PathIE /*The value from the Path IE. This element may be present if dot11InterworkingOptionImplement is true. */ ) Patrick Mo, Huawei

41 MLME-EXTNETINF. request
2019/1/16 MLME-EXTNETINF. request This primitive is generated by the SME to request that a external network information discovery request action frame be sent to external network information server to retrieve external network information. On receipt of this primitive, the MLME constructs a external network information discovery request action request frame containing the Container element specified. This frame is then scheduled for transmission. MLME- EXTNETINF.request( ExternalNetworkInformationRequestMessage /*It is used to request external network information which can be acess though Local WLAN. */ ) Patrick Mo, Huawei

42 MLME- EXTNETINF. confirm
2019/1/16 MLME- EXTNETINF. confirm This primitive is generated by the MLME when the request to transmit an external network information request action frame completes. On receipt of this primitive, the SME return the External network information response message to upper layer. MLME- EXTNETINF.confirm( ExternalNetworkInformationResponseMessage /*Reports the outcome of a request to send an external network information request action frame. */ ) Patrick Mo, Huawei

43 MLME- EXTNETINF. indication
2019/1/16 MLME- EXTNETINF. indication This primitive is generated by the MLME when a valid external network information request action frame is received. On receipt of this primitive, the SME either rejects the request or commences the requested external network information. MLME- EXTNETINF.indication ( ExternalNetworkInformationRequestMessage /*It is used to request external network information which can be access though Local WLAN. */ ) Patrick Mo, Huawei

44 MLME- EXTNETINF. response
2019/1/16 MLME- EXTNETINF. response This primitive is generated by the SME of a STA as a response to an MLME- EXTNETINF.indication primitive. This primitive initiates transmission of a response to the specific peer MAC entity that requested external network information. MLME- EXTNETINF.response ( ExternalNetworkInformationResponseMessage /*Reports the outcome of a request to send an external network information request action frame. */ ) Patrick Mo, Huawei

45 MLME-REMOTEREQ. indication
2019/1/16 MLME-REMOTEREQ. indication This primitive is generated by the MAC as a result of receipt a probe request frame from one STA or as a result of preparing some external network information for beacon broadcast. Upon receipt of this primitive, the RRB sends a message of “Information Query Request” to the peer MAC address. MLME-REMOTEREQ.indication ( PeerMACAddress, /*Specifies the MAC address of the entity which responses to the “Information Query Request”. */ InformationQueryRequest, /*Specifies the query quest about the external networks */ RemoteRequestTimeout, /*Specifies a time limit (in TU) after which the remote request procedure will be terminated. */ RequestIdentifier /*An identifier that will be used by the AP and the MAC entity within the DS to match a remote request with a remote response. */ ) Patrick Mo, Huawei

46 MLME-REMOTEREQ. response
2019/1/16 MLME-REMOTEREQ. response This primitive is generated by the MAC to the RRB to indicate that it has received the message of “Information Qurey Response” from the peer MAC entity within the DS. On receipt of this primitive, the RRB of the AP is notified of the results of the query about the external networks information. If the result is SUCCESSFUL, the RRB will construct one frame containing the query response information based on either the beacon broadcast case or the probe response case. Else if the result is TIMEOUT, no external network information is contained in the beacon or probe response. MLME-REMOTEREQ.response ( MACAddress, /*Specifies the MAC address of the entity which sends the Information Query Response”. */ RequestIdentifier, /*An identifier that will be used by the AP and the MAC entity within the DS to match a remote request with a remote response. */ QueryResult, /*Indicates the result of the query. SUCCESSFUL means the operation of query external networks information is successful, and the TIMEOUT menas it is timeout when waiting for the query result. */ InformationQueryResponse /*Specifies the query response about the external networks */ ) Patrick Mo, Huawei

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