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Immersion Day 3: Discovering the Many forms of writing

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1 Immersion Day 3: Discovering the Many forms of writing
NOTE: To change the image on this slide, select the picture and delete it. Then click the Pictures icon in the placeholder to insert your own image. How Writers Work Unit 1 8th Grade ELA Writers Workshop

2 RATIONALE We can learn from mentor texts in order to explore how form/genre and purpose are connected.

3 First, some writing words to work with…
Genre/Form A type or category of writing such as biography, science fiction, poetry, essay, reviews, mysteries, etc. Text Type Narrative Informative or Expository Argumentative or Persuasive Descriptive Purpose The rationale for why writing is done. Example: Purpose of narrative is to tell a story in order to teach a lesson.

4 “Making the Story My Own” by Diane Hurles
This personal essay has many types of text forms. While reading, think about: What is a journalist? What forms can newspapers have? What form is this text? What forms does this writer mention?

5 Genre/Forms of Writing
Together, we will record forms of writing as we listen to the mentor texts today.

6 Form and Purpose go hand in hand
When you think about what you want to say, you need to think about what form will fit what purpose best. Topic Purpose: Be as specific as possible Form Football To inform the audience about a favorite player Informational: Biography Baseball To encourage readers to believe our Mariners will make it into the playoffs. Informational/Argumentative: Journalism Grandmother To keep a memory of a favorite shared vacation alive. Narrative: Memoir

7 Independent Writing Time
On the next page in your writer’s notebook, make a chart like the one below. Remember, be as specific as possible. Brainstorm as many ideas as you can think of for later use. You can come back and add ideas throughout this unit. Topic Purpose: Be as specific as possible Form(s)

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