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Book Love.

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Presentation on theme: "Book Love."— Presentation transcript:

1 Book Love

2 Act IV, Scenes I and II

3 Turn and Talk with a partner:
What did we learn about Juliet in Act IV, Scene I? What did we learn about the Capulet family in Act IV, Scene II?

4 Work independently: Summarize Act IV, Scenes I and II

5 Act IV, Scenes III and IV Scene III Scene IV Small Lady Capulet Large
Juliet Small Lady Capulet Nurse Medium Capulet

6 Homework: Complete summary for scenes iii and iv
Complete the privilege sheet

7 Assessment Re-take Policy:
me or approach me after class to get a pass to see me during resource I will review your assessment and let you know how you should go about retaking that assessment

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