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The Cultural Revolution The People’s Republic of China is Formed

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Presentation on theme: "The Cultural Revolution The People’s Republic of China is Formed"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Communist Revolution (the War Between the Nationalists and the Communists)
The Cultural Revolution The People’s Republic of China is Formed The Republic of China is Formed, making it a democracy The Protest at Tiananmen Square, protesting for democracy The Four Modernizations The Republic of China fled to the island of Formosa, commonly called Taiwan The Great Leap Forward The Chinese Emperors were overthrown in the Chinese Revolution

2 Political, Economic, Social?
Name Event 1 Chinese Emperor/ Chinese Revolution Date 1908 Leader Emperor Description Leader ignored, people starved, Dynasty overthrown Political, Economic, Social? Political Impact/ Change Govt changes from Dynasty to Communism Positive or Negative Positive = Emperor was bad

3 Political, Economic, Social?
Name Event 2 Republic of China Formed = Democracy Date 1911 Leader Sun Yat Sen Describe Sun Yat Sen (Nationalist) overthrows last emperor Political, Economic, Social? Political Impact/ Change End of Dynasty Positive or Negative Positive = creates democracy

4 Political, Economic, Social?
Name Event 3 Communist Revolution Date Leader Mao (Communist) and Chiang (Nationalist) Describe Civil War between Communist/ Nationalists Political, Economic, Social? Political Impact/ Change War Positive or Negative ? Communist or Nationalist

5 Political, Economic, Social?
Name Event 4 People’s Republic of China Formed Date 1949 Leader Mao Describe Mao’s Army (Communist) wins the Civil War Political, Economic, Social? Political Impact/ Change 2 Chinas Positive or Negative (+) Communists win, (-) Nationalists lose

6 Political, Economic, Social?
Name Event 5 Republic of China …Taiwan Date 1949 Leader Chiang Describe b/c Nationalist lose, move to island = Taiwan, Communists stay on mainland China Political, Economic, Social? Political Impact/ Change 2 Chinas Positive or Negative (+) Communists stay, (-) Nationalists move

7 Political, Economic, Social?
Name Event 6 The Great Leap Forward Date 1958 Leader Mao Describe PLAN: beat Britain, increase steel, create hydroelectricity, develop agriculture Political, Economic, Social? Economic, Social Impact/ Change People move into communes, wealthy lose land, govt controls everything, have more babies Positive or Negative (-) b/c too many people, people starve = bad plan

8 Political, Economic, Social?
Name Event 7 The Cultural Revolution Date Leader Mao Describe Mao tries to fix GLF, wants Revolution, creates Red Army Political, Economic, Social? Political, Economic, Social Impact/ Change Mao – becomes a fanatic, creates unnecessary drama Positive or Negative (-) people die, fighting, ex. religion illegal

9 Political, Economic, Social?
Name Event 8 The 4 Modernizations Date 1977 Leader Deng Xioaping Describe Mao dies, Xioaping creates more wise, more realistic plan Political, Economic, Social? Political, Economic, Social Impact/ Change Responsibility system, incentive program, foreign capital/ technology, entrepeneurs Positive or Negative (-) One Child Policy to control population


11 Political, Economic, Social?
Name Event 9 Tiananamen Square Date 1989 Leader Deng Xioaping Describe Students protest, govt respond by shooting them Political, Economic, Social? Social Impact/ Change Govt overreacts, global response is negative Positive or Negative (-) students die, China govt looks like a bully

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