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T-cell Immunity Dr Farzana Salman.

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Presentation on theme: "T-cell Immunity Dr Farzana Salman."— Presentation transcript:

1 T-cell Immunity Dr Farzana Salman

2 T- Cells T cell constitute 65% to 80% of the recirculating pool of the small lymphocytes. Located in the inner subcortical region Long life span---- months or years Classified into Three types Helper T cells Cytotoxic T cells Suppressor T cells

3 Antigen Presenting Cells

4 Antigen Presenting Cells
Macrophages B lymphocytes Dendritic cells

5 MHC Proteins Class I MHC proteins --- Cytotoxic T cells
(CD-8 Lymphocytes) Class II MHC proteins--- Helper T cells (CD-4 Lymphocytes)


7 Helper T Cells Most numerous of the T cells
They help in the function of immune system Protein mediators--- Lymphokines

8 Lymphokines Interleukin – 2 Interleukin - 3 Interleukin- 4
Granulocyte-monocyte colony stimulating factor. Interferon-Y

9 Functions of Helper T cells
Stimulation of growth and proliferation of cytotoxic T cells and Suppressor T cells. Stimulation of B-cell growth and differentiation to form plasma cells and antibodies. Activation of the macrophage system. Feedback stimulatory effect on the helper cells themselves.

10 Cytotoxic T cells

11 Suppressor T cells Capable of suppressing the functions of both cytotoxic and helper T cells. Immune tolerance

12 Autoimmune diseases Rheumatic fever Glomerulonephritis.
Myasthenia gravis Lupus erythematosus


14 Active Immunity Immunization
Injecting dead organisms----- Typhoid fever, Whooping cough, Diphtheria,Bacterial diseases. Toxins treated with chemicals --- Tetanus, Botulism Live attenuated organisms---- Small pox,yellow fever,poliomyelitis,measles,viral diseases.

15 Passive Immunity Infusing antibodies, activated T cells or both.
Antibodies to 3 weeks Activated T- cells---- Few weeks if transfused from another person Few hours to few days if transfused from an animal.

16 Active versus Passive Immunity
Active immunity is resistance induced after contact with foreign antigens Resistance is long term Slow onset especially primary response Passive immunity is resistance based on antibodies preformed in another host. Prompt availability of large amounts of antibodies Short life span


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