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Unit 5 Vocab Review.

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1 Unit 5 Vocab Review

2 Throughout the United States, we have many highways, schools and government buildings. These are all examples of our ___________________ infrastructure

3 In the 1800s, manufacturers began making rifles with the exact same pieces to make production more efficient. It also helped because if a piece of the gun broke, it could be replaced by an identical piece rather than purchasing a whole new gun. What term best describes this? Interchangeable parts

4 In the 1800s, workers began forming groups in order to protect their rights as workers. Their groups were known as _______________ Labor unions

5 In the 1800s, laborers began fighting for better working conditions
In the 1800s, laborers began fighting for better working conditions. One method to make their demands was to go on _______. strike

6 The United States will tax oil imported from the Middle East in order to make money for the U.S. government. This tax is an example of a __________________________ Revenue tariff

7 The United States puts a tax on cars made outside of the United States to encourage people to buy American made cars. This tax is known as a ____________________________. Protective tariff

8 In the 1800s, there was a strong increase in immigration to the United States from the Irish, Germans and Chinese. People began practicing ___________ because they did not like these newcomers who may take their jobs. nativism

9 As political parties became more and more divided, campaigns turned ugly. Negative comments were made about opponents to try to gain support for a candidate. This is known as _____________________ mudslinging

10 Issues like slavery and industry began to divide the North from the South. They began to focus on the interests of their own region rather than the interests of the country. This is known as _________________ sectionalism

11 In the US, Maine was added as a free state and Missouri was added as a slave state. This was to keep the balance of slave and free states in the US. This is an example of a _______________. compromise

12 As more states joined the nation, there was a large push from Northerners to get rid of slavery throughout the country. These people supported the _____________________ of slavery and the _______________ of slaves. Abolition, emancipation

13 People who moved west had very little money to purchase land on their own. Many of them became ______________ who lived on other people’s land without their knowledge. squatters

14 Texas was __________ by the United States in 1845 which made Mexico very angry.

15 After the Mexican American War, Mexico had to ________ many territories to the United States.

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