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…a few guidelines to follow.

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1 …a few guidelines to follow.
BASIC LAB PROCEDURES …a few guidelines to follow.

2 BOOKBAGS & STOOLS 1. Please leave your bookbag on your regular desk.
2. Always try to leave a pathway between your stool and the stool directly behind yours. I need a walking lane to get to students quickly.

3 GETTING STARTED Look to whiteboards or front screen to see if there are instructions that you can follow immediately. Immediate setup means to get out your microscope or to pick up lab sheets or to continue a lab you are finishing from the day before.

4 YOUR MICROSCOPES Use only the microscope assigned to you and your partner. Let me know immediately if there is anything wrong with your mic. Absolutely no tampering with your mic. Please let me know if a group from a previous lab has left a slide on the stage.

5 SKETCHING A pencil and ruler are definitely needed.
Draw what you see, not what you think it should look like. Print all labels and put these at the end of straight label lines. Always give a title and magnification. Keep label lines parallel. Use a field of view circle.

Human Cheek Cells (400x) cell membrane cytoplasm nucleus

7 Some ways not to do it !!! Cheek Cells nucleus cell membrane cytoplasm

8 CLEANING UP Wash and dry all glassware and return to its proper location. Please clean your work area so that the next group does not have to deal with your mess. Throw away any specimens that are no longer usable.

9 STORING THE MICS Set objective on low power.
Remove any slide or specimen. Straighten stage clips. Place dust cover over the mic. Using BOTH hands return mic to the proper cabinet.

Share the workload as evenly as possible. Each of you should do some sketching and some written work. Indicate who sketched the diagram. A student who will not do their share of the lab will have to work alone or will be marked accordingly. Let me know if there are serious problems between the two of you.

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