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Strawperson Design II TA-type array 45 $75K Intermediate band

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Presentation on theme: "Strawperson Design II TA-type array 45 $75K Intermediate band"— Presentation transcript:

1 Strawperson Design II TA-type array 45 $75K Intermediate band + DPG or APG 15 shallow water 30 deep water Redeploy 30 deep Flex-type array 5 $75K 30-35 Short-period @ $35 -40K Total $5M

2 Whole plate Flex array for detailed studies Greater density near trench Multiple deployments Absolute pressure gauges Shallow water - facility for future Deploy first instruments in 2010 near N. ETS site 2 summers for each deployment to study structure Accelerometers at some sites Balance of “broadband” vs shortperiod in flex array?

3 Strawperson Design TA-type array 45 $75K Intermediate band + DPG or APG 15 shallow water 30 deep water Flex-type array 5 $75K 50 Short-period @ $25K or ~ $40K Total $5M

4 Rupke et al., EPSL 2004

5 Ranero et al., Nature, 2003 Normal faults extend 20 km+ into lithosphere while bending before subduction

6 Contreras-Reyes et al., G3, 2007

7 Contreras-Reyes et al., G3, 2007

8 Contreras-Reyes et al., G3, 2007

9 Contreras-Reyes et al., GJI, 2008

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