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By: Ali,Akule,Cassie,Ella,Isabelle and Elizabeth

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Presentation on theme: "By: Ali,Akule,Cassie,Ella,Isabelle and Elizabeth"— Presentation transcript:

1 By: Ali,Akule,Cassie,Ella,Isabelle and Elizabeth
HURRICANE SAFETY By: Ali,Akule,Cassie,Ella,Isabelle and Elizabeth

2 How To Be Prepared for a Hurricane!!!

3 You should put boards or shutters to keep the water outside and not inside. Pick up all the little and big objects in your yard(toys,basketball,hoops,tools and flower pots).You should pack food,water,battery operated radio and supplies . You should have an evacuation plan.

4 What To Do During A Hurricane!!!

5 You should evacuate (leave) make sure to bring your pets
You should evacuate (leave) make sure to bring your pets. If you chose not to evacuate, stay inside and go to the lowest level of your house/building . If you don’t have a basement than you should go to the bath room and fill the bath tub with water to drink and to use to flush the toilet.

6 Fun Facts!!!! The middle of a hurricane is called the eye.
Meteorologist divide hurricanes into 5 categories called the Saffir Simson scale. Hurricanes were named after girls and boys after 1964. Hurricanes are the biggest storm that form over water on earth. Hurricane Katrina dealt the most damage in the 20th century. Hurricane Irma was the biggest hurricane in the Atlantic Ocean.


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