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MIT What sparks your interest in this subject?

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Presentation on theme: "MIT What sparks your interest in this subject?"— Presentation transcript:

1 YAMMER @ MIT What sparks your interest in this subject?
What is the single problem you are spending the most time trying to solve and how? How is that working for you While there are a wide variety of social networks like Facebook, Twitter and Google Plus, any of them can be hardly suited for fulfilling the complex requirements of businesses, particularly due to lack of security measures and privacy options. This is why entrepreneurs and organization managers look for a more secure and personalized service in the form of corporate social networks. Yammer is an enterprise social network which offers business professionals the chance to communicate and share content (e.g. PowerPoint files) securely in the form of a private social network. It can be used not only for communication within an organization but also for communication between certain departments for a more personalized service During the sign up process you will be asked to enter your personal information, the addresses of your co-workers and optionally upload a profile picture. The security and privacy of Yammer is quite commendable as people not only within an organization but a department can securely share files and communicate with each other. This might mean sharing sensitive documents, forecasts, presentations and other types of documentation for better communication and enhanced privacy.

2 What is Yammer? Starting out Questions Agenda Goals of the day
Entertain and educate About me and ASU About Asus's IT and ITSM Take-aways Questions?

3 Enterprise Social Network
What is Yammer Facebook - life Linked in- career SN - work Show a picture of a Yammer home page – looks familiar Navigate around the page Friends and Family Work

4 Enter your profile info
Getting started Don’t forget your photo! Here’s some tips for getting started. First, enter your profile info. Go to the profile tab and enter your name, and don’t forget the photo – that’s really important. Choose who you want to follow by going to the members tab and clicking on follow or unfollow Enter your profile info

5 3 easy steps to get started
1. Create an account 2. Choose your settings Choose the Groups you want to join by going to the Groups tab and clicking on join or leave. Choose how or if you want to be notified of new posts. Then, just say hello, comment to others and keep in touch! 3. Say Hi!

6 Start posting to the group!
Post from the Group page Post from your Profile page Select who you are going to share your message with If you want to start a new post to a particular group, within your own main feed you can just select who you are going to share something with, type your message and click update. Within open and public groups, only members of a group get group messges showing up in their main page, or feed. You can tell a message is part of a group because of the icon, and the line on the post.

7 1/Keep it relevant 2/Keep it short 3/Ask questions Insert text &
click update 1/Keep it relevant 2/Keep it short 3/Ask questions It’s easy to share some news. You can share your project notes with others, or share anything, just by attaching some files. You can use the ‘like’ button, to tell them that you ‘liked’ it. To post a message, just type it in the box and click update. Immediately that message appears to your followers. .

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