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TA : Mubarakah Otbi, Duaa al Ofi , Huda al Hakami

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1 TA : Mubarakah Otbi, Duaa al Ofi , Huda al Hakami
Introduction to AI LAB LECTURE#1 Lecturer : S.Nafisa TA : Mubarakah Otbi, Duaa al Ofi , Huda al Hakami Artificial Intelligence © 2011

2 Lecture Contents What is Artificial Intelligence . Goal of AI.
Applications of AI. AI Computing. Knowledge Representation method . Artificial Intelligence © 2011

3 What is Artificial Intelligent
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a subdivision of computer science devoted to creating computer software and hardware that imitates the human mind . Artificial Intelligence © 2011

4 What is Artificial Intelligent
“AI is the study of ideas that enable computers to be intelligent.” [P. Winston] “It is the science and engineering of making intelligent machines, especially intelligent computer programs. It is related to the similar tasks of using computers to understand human intelligence, but AI does not have to confine itself to methods that are biologically observable.” John McCarthy, Stanford University, computer Science Department. John McCarthy Artificial Intelligence © 2011

5 What is Artificial Intelligence?
Operational Definition of AI (Turing Test): In 1950 Turing proposed an operational definition of intelligence by using a Test composed of : An interrogator (a person who will ask questions) a computer (intelligent machine !!) A person who will answer to questions A curtain (separator) A. Turing Artificial Intelligence © 2011

6 What is Artificial Intelligence?
The computer passes the “test of intelligence” if a human, after posing some written questions, cannot tell whether the responses were from a person or not. Artificial Intelligence © 2011

7 Goals of AI The main goals of AI is:
solve real-world problems using knowledge and reasoning. AI can help us solve difficult, real-world problems, creating new opportunities in business, engineering, and many other application areas Artificial Intelligence © 2011

8 Applications of AI Major Applications of AI : Expert System .
Natural Languages Processing (NLP). Speech understanding (Recognition). Robotics and Sensory Systems. Computer Vision and Scene Recognition. Game Playing . Artificial Intelligence © 2011

9 AI Computing Most artificial System are made up of two basic parts :
Knowledge Base . Inference mechanism . The knowledge base contains facts about objects in the chosen domain and their relationships . The inference system uses search and pattern matching techniques on the knowledge base to answer questions , draw conclusions , or otherwise perform and intelligent function . Artificial Intelligence © 2011

10 Knowledge Representation method
Declarative representation scheme : Used to represent facts and assertions which include : logic , semantic networks , frames and scripts . In this course we will use Formal Logic and languages based on logic (Prolog ) Artificial Intelligence © 2011

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