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Applying for Piccolo Spoleto 2019

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Presentation on theme: "Applying for Piccolo Spoleto 2019"— Presentation transcript:

1 Applying for Piccolo Spoleto 2019

2 About Piccolo Spoleto Started in 1979 by Mayor Joe Riley
Organized by the Office of Cultural Affairs The festival is divided into genres and programs These programs are coordinated by volunteers from Charleston’s art professionals Artistic Disciplines featured Music Theatre Dance Literature Visual Arts

3 New this year Online Applications through Formstack
Features Dropbox integration for Media submissions

4 Things to know before you apply
Applications are due December 14, only complete applications with a paid application fee will be considered. Application Fee is $20 to be paid online or via check postmarked December 14 or earlier Made out to “The City of Charleston” or “Piccolo Spoleto” Mailed to 75 Calhoun, Suite 3800, Charleston, SC 29401 All performers are responsible for their own travel and lodging arrangements and all related expenses. Presentation fees can only be paid to artists following their performances.

5 Descriptive Copy and Letter of Intent
Descriptive Copy should tell us Context for your show or performance What the audience should expect What the show is about Hint: Look at past years’ program books to see examples Letter of Intent Let us know more about the artist or ensemble Any additions that you couldn’t include in your Descriptive Copy Acts as a ‘Cover Letter’

6 Allows artist or ensemble to assume a greater financial risk while having direct participation in ticket sales revenue in lieu of presentation fee OCA provides box office and marketing support Self-Producers are responsible for all other obligations and expenses, including: rental fees, additional staff contracting and payment, licensing etc. Self Producer Some invited artists will enter into a Presenters Contract in which a mutually agreed upon artistic fee is paid to the artist without consideration of box office sales. Presentation Artist/Ensemble will perform/participate without compensation or for a modest stipend part of the Festival’s outreach programming. In no instance may an artist or ensemble issue tickets, solicit contributions or “pass a hat” Honorarium/Free Payment Fees will only be paid to artists after their performances are completed Production companies should anticipate a 5-10 (business days) turn-around time for settlement and then another (business days) for payment

7 FAQ How long of a run should I propose for my performance?
Typically music, opera, and dance performances are not repeated Theatre producers are encouraged to limit the number of performances in order to maximize capacity How long is an appropriate run time? This depends on the type of program you are proposing, however it should not exceed 90 min per past experience Is there work that is not appropriate? Anything that is gratuitously sensational, overtly political, or of questionable taste is typically culled out If you are not sure if your proposal is appropriate do not hesitate to ask If your performance is more suited for a mature audience please notate this in your application Should I apply if I wasn’t accepted in past years? Yes! As long as your proposal meets our criteria and guidelines, each year we have an excess of qualified submissions and as such we can not include everything, however each year is different.

8 What official designation or approval is required to participate in Piccolo Spoleto?
A complete application must be submitted by December 14 for all artists-large musical ensembles to street performers All artists and ensembles selected to participate will enter into a contractual agreement with the City of Charleston, even those who plan to participate without financial compensation. What will Piccolo Spoleto do to promote my performance or participation? You will be included in our advance sales campaign, press releases and media advisories, in the Program Guide, on the website, e-blasts and e-newsletters, and social media. Piccolo Spoleto as a festival includes TV, radio and print advertising Note: Self Promotion is a key to success with Piccolo Spoleto events, reach out to your audience via , social media and any other outlets you deem appropriate What if I don’t have a specific venue in mind? Look and see what venues have been used in past years and see if any would work for you And let us know what your specifications are, if you are accepted we will try to match you with a venue that will work for you

9 Contact Information Mindy Manziano Associate Producer of Piccolo Spoleto Festival (843) Rachel Workman Finance Manager (843) Hannah Wathen Ticketing and Promotions Coordinator (843) Office of Cultural Affairs Front Desk (843)

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