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Liaison to WFA service discovery summary

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1 Liaison to WFA service discovery summary
May 2012 doc.: IEEE /0715r0 May 2012 Liaison to WFA service discovery summary Date: Authors: Stephen McCann, RIM Stephen McCann, RIM

2 May 2012 doc.: IEEE /0715r0 May 2012 Abstract Summary of the liaison to Wi-Fi Alliance regarding an exchange of information about the intentions of the IEEE Infrastructure Service Discovery Study Group (ISD SG.) Stephen McCann, RIM Stephen McCann, RIM

3 May 2012 doc.: IEEE /0715r0 May 2012 Summary The intention of the Study Group (SG) is to produce a new MAC layer protocol that will enable devices to discover services within an infrastructure network prior to device association. Several members of IEEE are aware of complementary activity in the Wi-Fi Alliance and the goal is to add additional functionality without duplicating or disrupting existing Wi-Fi Alliance functions. Stephen McCann, RIM Stephen McCann, RIM

4 Specific questions within liaison
May 2012 doc.: IEEE /0715r0 May 2012 Specific questions within liaison Can you characterize the use cases that the Wi-Fi Alliance is planning to address in relation to service discovery? What additional functionality would the Wi-Fi Alliance like to be defined in IEEE to more easily enable service discovery? Stephen McCann, RIM Stephen McCann, RIM

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