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2 Expected time to complete
INTRODUCTION Mock Test 14 follows the CLAT pattern wherein the students are subjected to the same level of difficulty both in terms of question type and level. The mock test comprises of five sections with a total of 200 questions. A student is expected to attempt this test in an actual test like environment wherein he has 120 minutes to complete the test and thus need to schedule his/her time accordingly. Sections No. of questions Expected time to complete English 40 23 min. General Knowledge 50 12 min. Mathematics 20 11 min. Logical Reasoning 29 min. Legal Aptitude 45 min.

3 ENGLISH This section was of moderate level of difficulty. The section consisted of: 1 RC Passage (Total 10 questions) 3 questions on Para Jumble 3 questions on finding antonyms of Idioms/phrases 6 questions on idioms/phrase replacement 3 questions on identifying parts of speech 5 questions on Spellings 5 questions on fill the blanks 5 questions on synonyms The various questions are now described in detail:

4 Key Concepts and Brief Description Overall Level of Difficulty
DETAILS Question S. No. Key Concepts and Brief Description Overall Level of Difficulty Strategy 1 to 10 Reading Comprehension Moderate Most of the questions were of moderate level of difficulty. It would have helped to notice the specific details asked in the questions while reading the passage. Overall, all the questions should have been attempted. 11 to 13 Para Jumbles Difficult The theme of these questions was legal. One should have attempted them by eliminating improbable answer options. At least one out of three questions should have been attempted. 14 to 16 Antonyms of Idioms/phrases In these questions, the meaning of the phrase could be conjectured with the help of the context of the statement. Once that is done, it would have been easy to choose the right answer from amidst close answer choices. All three questions should have been attempted.

5 Key Concepts and Brief Description Overall Level of Difficulty
details Question S. No. Key Concepts and Brief Description Overall Level of Difficulty Strategy 17 to 22 Idiom/Phrase replacement Moderate These questions also required a fine understanding of the context of the statement to identify the meaning of the phrase in the given context. At least 4 out of 6 questions should have been attempted. 23 to 25 Identify parts of Speech Easy These questions required basic knowledge of the parts of speech. All three questions should have been attempted. 26 to 30 Choose the correct spelling Easy-moderate These questions ranged from easy to moderate level of difficulty and so all of them were doable. 31 to 35 Fill the blanks These questions demanded knowledge of preposition usage and certain phrases. All the questions should have been attempted 36 to 40 Synonyms The words were not very difficult and so all questions could be attempted.

6 GENERAL KNOWLEDGE This section of MOCK TEST – 14 has 50 questions in all. This test too primarily focused on Static GK, total no. of questions from static GK was 38, out of which more emphasis was on general science followed by misc., history and then geography. The general level of difficulty of this section was moderate. As for as the current GK is considered, there were only 12 questions from this section which was primarily focused on misc. places and personality. Further, the final break-up summary can be analyzed with the help of following table:

7 DETAILS Static GK Current GK Section No. of Questions Difficulty level
History 9 Hard National Events - Geography (India & World) 7 Moderate International Events Indian Polity & Constitution 2 Personality 3 Easy to Moderate Economy Places 4 Science & Tech 10 Awards & Honors  Misc. 8 Moderate to hard Sports 1 Misc. Total 38 12

8 mathematics This section of the test was of Easy to Moderate level of difficulty. This section consisted of 13 questions of Arithmetic 2 questions of Algebra 3 questions of Number System 1 question of Mensuration 1 question of Clock

9 details Question S. No. Key concepts and brief description Topic
Level of difficulty 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103 Profit Loss and Discount, Profit Loss and Discount, Average, Percentage, Time Speed and Distance, Time Speed and Distance, Average, Profit Loss and Discount, Time Speed and Distance, Time and work, Ratio, Mixture, Simple Interest Arithmetic Easy to Moderate 106, 108 Progression, Linear equation Algebra Moderate 104, 105, 109 Divisibility, Factors, Remainder Number System 107 Mensuration Geometry & Mensuration Easy 110 Clock Clock & Calendar

10 reasoning Verbal Logic: This section was of moderate level of difficulty. The section consisted of: 5 questions on Critical Reasoning 3 questions on syllogism 17 questions on Critical Reasoning (14 passages) Analytical Reasoning: This section of the test was of Easy to Moderate level of difficulty. This section consisted of 7 questions of Analytical Reasoning 3 questions of Series 2 questions of Coding Decoding 1 question of Ranking 1 question of Odd one out 1 questions of Analogy The various questions are described in detail ahead:

11 Key Concepts and Brief Description Overall Level of Difficulty
details Question S. No. Key Concepts and Brief Description Overall Level of Difficulty Strategy 111 to 115 Critical reasoning Easy -Moderate  The conclusions to the question should have been checked for their logical consistency. All questions should have been attempted. 116, 125 and 126 Syllogism Moderate These questions should have been attempted by using some basic rules of syllogism. All the questions should have been attempted. 117 to 124, 127 to 135 Critical Reasoning Moderate - Difficult These questions first requires a close understanding of the main idea in the passage. And then, without reading the options trying to find out on what lines the answer to the questions is likely to be. This practice would help eliminate close answer choices. At least 14 out of 17 questions should have been attempted.

12 Key Concepts and Brief Description
details Question S. No. Key Concepts and Brief Description Topics Level of Difficulty 144 – 146, 147 – 150 Analytical Reasoning, Analytical Reasoning Analytical Reasoning Easy to Moderate 138, 139, 143 Number series, Alphabet series, Number series Series 136 – 137 Coding Decoding, Coding Decoding Coding Decoding Easy 149 Calendar Moderate 140 Ranking Puzzle 141 Odd one out 142 Analogy

13 Legal aptitude This section had 50 questions on Legal Aptitude comprising of Legal Reasoning and Legal knowledge questions: Legal Reasoning (35 questions) Legal Knowledge (15 questions) Overall, the section was of reasonably difficult level. The Legal Reasoning section tested the ability of students to understand and interpret questions with multiple principles and explanations and the combined application of the same to factual matrix to reach the best answer. The legal knowledge section was of a moderate difficulty level and needed the candidate to have knowledge on the subjects of Constitutional Law, Criminal Law, Law of Torts and General Principles of Law. An attempt between the range of would be considered a good attempt for this section.

14 details Legal Reasoning: The Legal Reasoning section of Mock 14 was of a reasonably difficult level. Legal Knowledge: The legal Knowledge portion was of a moderate level. The reasoning section was lengthy and quite time consuming. It required quick reading and fast understanding of the questions by the students. The section was dominated by questions from Criminal Law, Law of torts and General Principles of Law. Apart from that, the paper had questions from most of the topics like Constitutional Law, Law of Contracts, International Law, Family Law.

15 details Topics Question Numbers Number of Questions Difficulty Level
Legal Reasoning Legal Knowledge L.R. L.K. Criminal Law , 169, 170, 8 3 Easy to Moderate Torts 154, 157, 168, 173, 188 7 1 Easy Constitution 151, 158, 186 Difficult Family Law 159, 160 2 International Law 166, 167 Contracts 156, 165 Moderate General Principles of Law 152, 153, 155, 161, 171, 172, 177 187, , 10

16 Question analysis Questions 162 to 164: These set of questions are based on the principle of Adultery followed by a set of facts. The principle given is simple and has three questions basedon it. It’s a MUST ATTEMPT question giving a very good scope of scoring. Questions 166 and 167 are based on International Law and on the concept of Extradition. It is a long question to read with one principle, two explanations and a set of facts. But the questions that follow derive their reasoning directly from the given principles. W.r.t. question 166, the answer could be narrowed down as (a) on the basis of Explanation 1. The only requirement is that of a treaty, irrespective of whether their was an extradition on the date of commission of offence. W.r.t question 167, the answer could be reached as (a) directly by Principle 2 that jurisdiction is decided on the basis of registration of the vessel which in this case was India.

17 Question analysis Most of the questions otherwise are easy and understandable. But there are two set of questions which require time to read as well as understanding. First, Question 174 – 176 : There are 5 principles given for these questions followed by a really long set of facts. It is a very time consuming read and is followed by only three questions. But on the contrary, the questions that follow are very simple and can be reasoned directly from the principle. Ques 174 can be reasoned from Principle 1, and the catch word is Conjointly.. Here, although the driver, Ravi, aided Arif and others to reach the place, but he was not part of the plan. Hence, (c) is the correct option. Ques 175 can be reasoned straightway from Principle 1 again, as there were less than 5 members who were offenders, therefore, (b) is the correct option. Ques 176 can be derived from Principle 2 and hence, option (a) is the correct answer.

18 Question analysis Question : This set of questions is based on the Principles of Assault and Battery. It is a very easy set of question and a must attempt one. Question : This last set of legal reasoning question is based on the election of Member of Parliament from Lok Sabha. It is a very lengthy question and definitely requires a second round of reading. Consisting of 5 principles and one explanation undoubtedly makes is a confusing one. It should definitely be attempted at the end of the paper if time allows.


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