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How Fair is your Queue Hanoch Levy
School of Computer Science, Tel Aviv University Jointly with Benjamin Avi-Itzhak, RUTGERS University David Raz, Tel-Aviv University Alternative name: “Satellite-linked Web Caches” March, 2004 1/16/2019 Fairness in Queues, H. Levy
To provide FAIRNESS in waiting/service
Why QUEUES? “Not Fair!!!” “This is more Fair…” To provide FAIRNESS in waiting/service Sophisticated queues to address fairness issues 1/16/2019 Fairness in Queues, H. Levy
Queueing Theory, queues and fairness
Queueing theory: Decades of very deep and elaborate research Queueing structures / policies, distributions Focus on delay of individual: Moments/ distribution / optimal operations, many more! Practical Applications: Efficient control / operation of: Bank, computer system, web server, telecom Fairness in queues: Many statements: “this is fair”, “that system is unfair”. Very little analysis (job fairness): Larson (1988), Palm (1953), Mann (1969), Whitt (1984): Discuss justice related / overtaking Morris & Wang (85). Avi-Itzhak & Levy (96) Wierman & Harchol-Balter (Sigmetrics 2003): We don’t know how to quantify queue fairness! 1/16/2019 Fairness in Queues, H. Levy
How Important is fairness in queues?
FAIRNESS INHERENT/CRUCIAL part of queues Recent studies, Rafaeli et. al. [2003] (experimental psychology): Experiments on humans in multi-queue and single queue Fairness in queue is very important to people Perhaps even more than delay itself! WFQ: 10’s of papers – fairness among jobs whose duration is O(1) microsecond Economic value of queues of humans: O(1%) of GNP? 1/16/2019 Fairness in Queues, H. Levy
“So – What is the problem? “
“Take social-science/economics utility-fairness measures and apply to queues” HOW??? What is the “PIE”? A “moving target”… The problem in a nutshell: Short vs. Long Long Short The difficulty (A): Whom to compare a customer against? The difficulty (B): Size vs. seniority dilemma 1/16/2019 Fairness in Queues, H. Levy
Motivation / Questions
Should Long be served ahead of Short? Short(S) Long (L) Is it fair? How fair (how much fair) is it to serve Short Ahead of Long? Quantify/ Measure Fairness in Waiting lines! 1/16/2019 Fairness in Queues, H. Levy
Motivation / Questions (2): Do You like your supermarket?
How fair is a scheduling policy? This? E.g: FIFO LIFO Multiple Queue (Multi server) Single queue (multi server) Queues by job size? Or This? 1/16/2019 Fairness in Queues, H. Levy
Motivation / Questions (3): and your airport?
Multiple Queue (Multi server) Single queue (multi server) Smith & Whitt (81), Larson (87), Rothkopf & Rech (87), Wolff (77, 87, 88) 1/16/2019 Fairness in Queues, H. Levy
Applications (computer world)
Internet revolution: Service shift to computer systems. Responsibility of control: shifts to computer programmer/operator Examples: Call centers: Web services: How should I operate my web-server? FIFO? LIFO? Priorities? Call center Web server 1/16/2019 Fairness in Queues, H. Levy
Fairness in Queues, H. Levy
Related Work(1) Avi-Itzhak & Levy (96): Axiomatic approach Departure point+emphasis: Seniority (Order of service) If service times are identical variance of waiting time measures fairness Extend to service times When is it good? 1/16/2019 Fairness in Queues, H. Levy
Fairness in Queues, H. Levy
Recent Related Work Wierman & Harchol-Balter (Sigmetrics 2003): Propose a Fairness Criterion Class-based approach: For job of size x compute E[T(x)/x] If this is bounded by 1/(1-rho) for all x FAIR. Results: Analyze the classification for a large variety of policies. FIFO (FCFS) – is “Always UNFAIR” LIFO (preemptive) – is FAIR. When is it good? 1/16/2019 Fairness in Queues, H. Levy
Conflicting (disturbing) Views
Policy Ordinary person Queueing theory (WHB 03) FIFO LIFO (preemptive) Fair (Fairest?) Unfair Unfair (most?) Fair 1/16/2019 Fairness in Queues, H. Levy
Basic Requirements of a Queue Fairness measure
Aim for standard: Have a consistent view/intuition Deal with individual, scenario, and system Account for both seniority and service requirement: Seniority: Service times are identical: Fairness is a function of seniority FIFO most fair / LIFO most unfair Senior ahead of junior is more fair Service requirement: Arrival times are identical Fairness is a function of service requirement Short ahead of long is more fair Yields to analysis 1/16/2019 Fairness in Queues, H. Levy
RAQFM: A Resource Allocation Queueing Fairness Measure
Aims at meeting these requirements In particular: Long vs. Short Seniority vs. service times S L 1/16/2019 Fairness in Queues, H. Levy
Approach: individual discrimination
To whom should a job be compared? (moving target!) Compare to the “public”. Focus on server resources (aim at equal division) Weigh the warranted service with the granted service Equal Share philosophy (“axiom”): at t: Warranted service of Granted service of Individual discrimination of (net service) 1/16/2019 Fairness in Queues, H. Levy
Basic Properties of RAQFM
Resource allocation is proper = zero-sum discrimination (work conserving, non idling) Individual discrimination: We are trying to use SRM to analyze the CSDS System measure of discrimination: aggregate statistics of Eliminate: Expected discrimination Reasonable: distance from mean, Var(D), E[|D-E[D]|]. Measure of Unfairness 1/16/2019 Fairness in Queues, H. Levy
Property 1: Processor Sharing: Ultimate Fairness
Single server queue Processor sharing service policy (Kleinrock (64), (67), Coffman, Muntz & Trotter (70)) Theorem 1: Under PS Var[D] = 0 PS is the most fair policy!! We are trying to use SRM to analyze the CSDS 1/16/2019 Fairness in Queues, H. Levy
Property 2: SENIORITY (identical service times)
Single server queue Service times are all identical Arrival times are arbitrary Theorem 2: Serving by order of seniority (FIFO) is most fair Serving in reverse order of seniority (LIFO) is most unfair Pushing a junior ahead of senior reduces fairness We are trying to use SRM to analyze the CSDS 1/16/2019 Fairness in Queues, H. Levy
Property 3: Service Time (identical arrival times)
Single server queue Arrival times are all identical Service times are arbitrary S L Theorem 3: Serving shortest job first (SJF) is most fair Serving Longest job first (LJF) is most unfair Pushing a large job ahead of small job reduces fairness We are trying to use SRM to analyze the CSDS 1/16/2019 Fairness in Queues, H. Levy
Property 4: More advanced The Long vs. Short case
Single server queue Long and short arrive at different times S L We are trying to use SRM to analyze the CSDS Fairness of two orders depends on relative seniority and relative service times. 1/16/2019 Fairness in Queues, H. Levy
Property 5: Bounds How bad (good) can it be?
Bound on individual discrimination Use for scale of reference / sanity check How good: (service time) How bad: (waiting time) We are trying to use SRM to analyze the CSDS Bound on system discrimination: How bad: 1/16/2019 Fairness in Queues, H. Levy
Property 6: Locality of Comparison
Measure can be evaluated by comparing all customers (across busy periods) Unique to RAQFM within a large function family. Important for fairness: One should compare only relevant customers (within busy periods). We are trying to use SRM to analyze the CSDS 1/16/2019 Fairness in Queues, H. Levy
Property 7: Discrimination Monotonic in Service time
THM: For an arbitrary system, if service decision is independent of service time, then: Discrimination monotonically increases with service time (deterministic) Larger customers get preferential service Discrimination monotonically increases with service time distribution justification to the prioritization of short jobs! We are trying to use SRM to analyze the CSDS 1/16/2019 Fairness in Queues, H. Levy
Fairness in Queues, H. Levy
RAQFM is Analyzable RAQFM yields to analysis via standard queueing theory techniques Can compute E[D| x] (class discrimination) Var[D] (system unfairness) Conducted analysis for M/M/1 type: Variety of service orders (FIFO, LIFO, ROS, more…). Conducted analysis for Multi-queue / multi-class systems. We are trying to use SRM to analyze the CSDS 1/16/2019 Fairness in Queues, H. Levy
Individual discrimination under FIFO: M/M/1 ( conditioned on # customers found ahead)
Utilization Indifferent Time to smile Empty super-market Friday noon Time to cry Traffic jam at 4AM Discrimination as a function of # customers found at queue 1/16/2019 Fairness in Queues, H. Levy
System Unfairness: Compare operation policies
PS: Absolute Fairness! LIFO: Severe seniority discrimination Empty system: everyone is alone FIFO: no seniority discrimination System Unfairness as a function of system load 1/16/2019 Fairness in Queues, H. Levy
How other measures relate: Bridging the gap
Wierman & Harchol-Balter (2003) FIFO (FCFS) – is UNFAIR LIFO (preemptive) – is FAIR LIFO (preemptive) FIFO Queueing theory (WHB 2003) Ordinary person View Policy Unfair Fair Unfair Seniority Service times 1/16/2019 Fairness in Queues, H. Levy
RAQFM: account for all factors - bridge the gap
Seniority + service time differences play role (MOST CASES!) RAQFM agrees with ordinary person FIFO: LIFO: Service time differences very radical (A few cases) RAQFM agrees with Wierman & Harchol Balter 1/16/2019 Fairness in Queues, H. Levy
Fairness in Queues, H. Levy
Comparison of Methods [AL96]: (SENIORITY) Easy to compute Order fairness: When the issue is ORDER [WHB03]: (SERVICE TIMES) When jobs do not see each other / do not care of each other. RAQFM: (SENIORITY & SERVICE TIMES) Somewhat harder to compute When issue is waiting time. Also for ORDER fairness. 1/16/2019 Fairness in Queues, H. Levy
Fairness in Queues, H. Levy
Summary Fairness is fundamental for queueing systems No agreed upon measure exists RAQFM is a queueing fairness measure that: Has a consistent view Deals with individuals, scenario, and system Accounts for both seniority and service requirement Admits logically to special cases: Service times are identical: Senior ahead of junior is more fair Arrival times are identical Short ahead of long is more fair Yields to analysis We analyzed a large variety of queueing systems Much more work is needed 1/16/2019 Fairness in Queues, H. Levy
Fairness in Queues, H. Levy
Closing Words Thank you If you have applications at which fairness is relevant – we will be glad to hear. Whenever you “enjoy” the queues of your supermarket / bank / airport / … give us a call… 1/16/2019 Fairness in Queues, H. Levy
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