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Presentation on theme: "IEEE MEDIA INDEPENDENT HANDOVER DCN:"— Presentation transcript:

1 IEEE 802.21 MEDIA INDEPENDENT HANDOVER DCN: 21-05-0203-00-0000
Title: MEDIA INDEPENDENT HANDOVER Functions and Services Specification Date Submitted: March 7th, 2005 Presented at IEEE session #NN in City Authors or Source(s): Alan Carlton, Ulises Olvera-Hernandez, Marian Rudolf, Juan Carlos Zuniga, Abstract: Summary of the key aspects of the Media Independent Handover Proposal 21-05-xxxx

2 IEEE 802.21 presentation release statements
This document has been prepared to assist the IEEE Working Group. It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein. The contributor grants a free, irrevocable license to the IEEE to incorporate material contained in this contribution, and any modifications thereof, in the creation of an IEEE Standards publication; to copyright in the IEEE’s name any IEEE Standards publication even though it may include portions of this contribution; and at the IEEE’s sole discretion to permit others to reproduce in whole or in part the resulting IEEE Standards publication. The contributor also acknowledges and accepts that this contribution may be made public by IEEE The contributor is familiar with IEEE patent policy, as outlined in Section 6.3 of the IEEE-SA Standards Board Operations Manual < and in Understanding Patent Issues During IEEE Standards Development 21-05-xxxx

3 Key Features A generic and flexible MIH reference model that can apply to different technologies such as cellular and 802.X Logical view of network architecture which shows how fits in heterogeneous networks. Introduction of generic trigger information that can be tailor-made to accommodate multiple access technologies. Comprehensive call flow scenarios including System access Handover Success and failure cases Details of SAP, triggers and MIH services Analysis of Mobile IP enhancement and its interactions with Supports seamless service continuity Flexible for implementation and requires minimum effort of standardization work throughout the different standards groups 21-05-xxxx

4 Updates since Last Revision
Trigger Definition has been updated as per harmonization exercise. Normative and informative components of the proposal have been identified Remote transport mechanism is defined based on the introduction of a new ether type that introduces a new MIH protocol 21-05-xxxx

5 Logical Network Architecture

6 Evaluation Matrix 21-05-xxxx

7 Proposed MIH Reference Model
Layer 3 MIH_L3_SAP MIH_MGT_SAP MIH MIH Functions MIH_PHY_SAP MIH_MAC_SAP MIH_SAP MLME Event Remote-Event Remote -Information Event LLC MIH_MAC_SAP MLME_SAP Event Event Event MAC MAC Functions MIH_PHY_SAP PLME_SAP Event Event Event PHY PLME_SAP PHY Functions PLME 21-05-xxxx

8 MIH Service Description
IEEE specifies a set of services that allow seamless handovers across heterogeneous access networks. A seamless handovers can be defined as one that allows the delivery of a service on a new access interface with equal quality as the previous access interface and that it is imperceptible to an end user The service encompasses the following: Information Service (IS): The IS provides a description of available access networks and their offered capabilities. This allows the use of state machines that trigger handovers and system access towards the best possible connection for the delivery of a service. This includes System Operator, Network Identities, QoS and offered access technology amongst other. Event Service (ES): The ES provides notifications with regards to changes to both upper and lower layers associated to a particular link and surrounding access networks. Notification are generated when either the current link no longer supports service requirements or a better candidate has been found. Media Independent Handover Function (MIH): MIH provides a set of procedures that support the handover decision that uses both IS and ES to determine the best point of attachment for the delivery of a service for both initial network selection and handover. MIH considers inputs from multiple access networks when determining a handover candidate. MIH uses IS and ES information from both upper and lower layer when applying policy criteria. 21-05-xxxx

9 Review of Basic Mode of Operation

10 Compile triggers and determine if handover shall be requested
Dual Mode Terminal 3GPP Handover Network MIH_L3MM_SAP MIH_MIP_SAP MIH MIH MIH Main Function Compile triggers and determine if handover shall be requested MIH Main Function HANDOVER REQUIRED! SAP SAP MIH_SAP MIH_PHY_SAP MIH_MAC_SAP MIH_SAP PHY_Event MAC_Event PHY_Event PHY_Event PHY_Event PHY_Event PHY_Event PHY_Event MAC_Event MAC_Event MAC_Event MAC_Event MAC_Event MAC_Event MIH_SAP MIH_SAP LLC LLC SAP MIH_MAC_SAP ACK QoS FER MAC MAC MIH If Measurement crossed threshold then fire trigger SAP MIH_PHY_SAP RSSI Interf Noise PHY PHY MIH If Measurement crossed threshold then fire trigger Information_Service 21-05-xxxx Remote_MIH_Event Remote_MIH_Event

11 Compile triggers and determine if handover shall be requested
Dual Mode Terminal 3GPP RAN/CN Set-up radio bearer 3GPP Commit Network MIH_L3MM_SAP MIH_MIP_SAP MIH MIH MIH Main Function Compile triggers and determine if handover shall be requested MIH Main Function HANDOVER REQUIRED! MIH Main Function HANDOVER COPLETE! SAP SAP MIH_SAP MIH_PHY_SAP MIH_MAC_SAP MIH_SAP PHY_Event MAC_Event PHY_Event PHY_Event PHY_Event PHY_Event PHY_Event PHY_Event MAC_Event MAC_Event MAC_Event MAC_Event MAC_Event MAC_Event MIH_SAP MIH_SAP LLC LLC SAP MIH_MAC_SAP ACK QoS FER MAC MAC MIH If Measurement crossed threshold then fire trigger SAP MIH_PHY_SAP RSSI Interf Noise PHY PHY MIH If Measurement crossed threshold then fire trigger Information_Service 21-05-xxxx Remote_MIH_Event Remote_MIH_Event

12 Compile triggers and determine if handover shall be requested
Dual Mode Terminal Mobile IP Handover Network MIH_L3MM_SAP MIH_MIP_SAP MIH MIH MIH Main Function Compile triggers and determine if handover shall be requested MIH Main Function HANDOVER REQUIRED! SAP SAP MIH_SAP MIH_PHY_SAP MIH_MAC_SAP MIH_SAP PHY_Event MAC_Event PHY_Event PHY_Event PHY_Event PHY_Event PHY_Event PHY_Event MAC_Event MAC_Event MAC_Event MAC_Event MAC_Event MAC_Event MIH_SAP MIH_SAP LLC LLC SAP MIH_MAC_SAP ACK QoS FER MAC MAC MIH If Measurement crossed threshold then fire trigger SAP MIH_PHY_SAP RSSI Interf Noise PHY PHY MIH If Measurement crossed threshold then fire trigger Information_Service 21-05-xxxx Remote_MIH_Event Remote_MIH_Event

13 Compile triggers and determine if handover shall be requested
New AP CN/HA Dual Mode Terminal Use new CoA Mobile IP Commit Network MIH_L3MM_SAP MIH_MIP_SAP MIH MIH MIH Main Function HANDOVER COPLETE! MIH Main Function HANDOVER REQUIRED! MIH Main Function Compile triggers and determine if handover shall be requested SAP SAP MIH_SAP MIH_PHY_SAP MIH_MAC_SAP MIH_SAP PHY_Event MAC_Event PHY_Event PHY_Event PHY_Event PHY_Event PHY_Event PHY_Event MAC_Event MAC_Event MAC_Event MAC_Event MAC_Event MAC_Event MIH_SAP MIH_SAP LLC LLC SAP MIH_MAC_SAP ACK QoS FER MAC MAC MIH If Measurement crossed threshold then fire trigger SAP MIH_PHY_SAP RSSI Interf Noise PHY PHY MIH If Measurement crossed threshold then fire trigger Information_Service 21-05-xxxx Remote_MIH_Event Remote_MIH_Event

14 Trigger/Functionality Review (1 of 10)

15 Trigger/Functionality Review (2 of 10)

16 Trigger/Functionality Review (3 of 10)

17 Trigger/Functionality Review (4 of 10)

18 Trigger/Functionality Review (5 of 10)

19 Trigger/Functionality Review (6 of 10)

20 Trigger/Functionality Review (7 of 10)

21 Trigger/Functionality Review (8 of 10)

22 Trigger/Functionality Review (9 of 10)

23 Trigger/Functionality Review (10 of 10)

24 Call Flow Scenarios The following call flow scenarios are included:
System access under 3GPP coverage Handover from to 3GPP network Handover from 3GPP to network Handover from to 802.3 Handover from to Handover between 802.x networks 21-05-xxxx

25 Thank you! 21-05-xxxx


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