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DOCUMENT A Answer the questions in complete sentences.

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1 DOCUMENT A Answer the questions in complete sentences.
What year was Texas admitted back into the Union? How many military districts was the South divided into during Reconstruction? What was the purpose of the military districts? Why do you think Tennessee was not in a military district?


3 DOCUMENT B Answer the questions in complete sentences.
What was the Freedman’s Bureau. 2. What problems do you think might arise for the Freedman’s Bureau? In the box provided (bottom right) analyze this political cartoon using OPTIC.


Overview- what do you think this is? Parts- pieces of the picture OPTIC Title- what is it and how does it help you understand the picture Interrelationship- connections between the parts and the title Conclusion- why is this picture important historically

6 DOCUMENT C Answer the questions in complete sentences.
Who is pictured (think Reconstruction vocab)? What job do you think they hold? Why would they most likely NOT be tenant farmers? What will happen to the cotton that this family has harvested?


8 DOCUMENT D Answer the questions in complete sentences.
Description: The woman represents the “solid South”. She is carrying President Grant (formerly the Union General) in a carpet bag. The bag says Carpet Bag & Bayonet Rule. She is chained to the bayonets (guns) of two U.S. soldiers. What is the significance of the carpet bag? Knowing the U.S. Government used military deployment to control the rebellious South, what does “Carpet Bag & Bayonet Rule” mean? What does “The Solid South” mean? Why does the artist have her carrying the President of the U.S. and his unique chariot?


10 DOCUMENT E Answer the questions in complete sentences.
What is the goal of the two standing characters? (hint: title) On the shield, the sign labeled school house is on fire – Why? Why does the picture of the African American family read “Worse Than Slavery”? What were some of the struggles freedmen experienced during this time?


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