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Reverse Jeopardy.

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Presentation on theme: "Reverse Jeopardy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Reverse Jeopardy

2 Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500

3 Utilitarianism Greatest good for the greatest number Row 1, Col 1

4 It is enforceable by U.S. government
Difference between Bill of Rights and Universal Declaration of Human Rights It is enforceable by U.S. government 1,2

5 Use of national guard troops In Little Rock Arkansas
Open closed schools/enforce Brown v. Board Use of national guard troops In Little Rock Arkansas 1,3

6 Citizenship and voting rights
Indian Citizenship Act of 1924 Citizenship and voting rights for Native Americans were settled with the 1,4

7 Greatest political contribution the U.S. has given to the world 2,1
Bill of Rights Greatest political contribution the U.S. has given to the world 2,1

8 Opportunity and success Related to well being of
Common good is achieved by enlightened self interest Opportunity and success Related to well being of Society because… 2,2

9 An illegal market place
Black market An illegal market place For specific goods 2,3

10 A worker, a focus of Marxism
The proletariet A worker, a focus of Marxism 2,4

11 Author of Wealth of Nations
Adam Smith 3,1

12 Different from law breaking
Higher moral laws justify actions Civil disobedience is Different from law breaking Because.. 3,2

13 Wrote that socialism Does not need a violent revolution
Eduard Bernstein Wrote that socialism Does not need a violent revolution 3,3

14 Europe’s experience with Napoleon Bonaparte
Why Europe dislikes a strong president Europe’s experience with Napoleon Bonaparte 3,4

15 Segregation based in law
De jure segregation Segregation based in law 4,1

16 Wrote Communist Manifesto
Karl Marx 4,2

17 Core values of Capitalism
Profit Motive, Private Ownership and Market Economies 4,3

18 Segregation not required
De facto segregation Segregation not required By law 4,4

19 Women, Native Americans,
Others who benefited from civil rights movement Women, Native Americans, Hispanics, Asians, farm laborers, interracial persons 5,1

20 Due process of 14th amendment
Used to enforce protections in Bill of Rights Due process of 14th amendment 5,2

21 To become a U.S. Citizen 8 requirements 5,3

22 Powers enumerated to each branch – list two for each
Specific Powers to Act internationally 5,4

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