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Nervous System Physiology

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1 Nervous System Physiology


3 3 functions of the nervous system
1) Sensory Input 2) Integration- decisions 3) Motor Output


5 1) Neuroglial Cells- “glial” cells
Two types of Cells 1) Neuroglial Cells- “glial” cells 2) Neurons-stimulus conducting cells

6 Glial cells: Astrocytes

7 Astrocyte Functions Axon guidance Synaptic support between neurons
Support in controlling the blood- brain barrier

8 Glial Cell: Microglial
Act as the first and main form of active immune cells in the CNS

9 Glial Cell: Ependymal Cells

10 Glial Cells: Oligodendrocytes

11 Glial Cells: Schwann Cells


13 Neurons- transmit impulses
Characteristics: 1) High longevity ( 100 years) 2) amitotic-cell division-cell division by simple cleavage of the nucleus and division of the cytoplasm without spindle formation or appearance of chromosomes) 3) high metabolism; needs a lot of oxygen

14 Parts of a neuron

15 Parts of a Neuron 1) Dendrites receive impulses and send to cell body
2) Cell Body – located in the CNS 3) Axon  moves impulses away from the cell body Direction of impulse-impulse travels from dendrite to cell body to axon-ends at the axon terminal

16 Types of Neurons Sensory (afferent) neuron – brings impulse from a receptor to CNS Motor (efferent) neuron- brings impulse from CNS to an effector Intergration (interneuron or association neuron) between sensory and motor in the CNS (support)

17 Reflex Arc

18 Reflex Arc Receptor- monitors stimuli
Sensory neuron- transmits message to CNS Integration Neuron- makes a decision in the CNS Motor neuron- takes the message from the CNS to an effector Effector- a muscle or gland that responds

19 The impulse is Electrochemical because of ion distribution
A neuron that can conduct an impulse must be irritable Irritability is set up by the Na + / K+ pump A neuron that is not conducting is resting In a resting state, there is a potential difference in charge between the inside of the membrane and the outside of the membrane The difference is negative (about – 70 mV)


21 At Resting: Na + (Sodium) ions are greater on the outside of the membrane K + (Potassium) ions are greater on the inside of the membrane The difference is maintained by the sodium/ potassium pump

22 Stimulation of the neuron when receiving an impulse:
1) Na gates open 2) Na rushes in 3) potential difference of the membrane changes from -70 mV to + 30 mV = depolarization

23 The K gates open and potassium leaves
The potential difference goes from +30 mV back down to -70mV = repolarization

24 Depolarization + Repolarization =
Action Potential

25 Before the Sodium/ Potassium Pump starts again to restore the resting potential, hyperpolarization occurs




29 Conductivity- how an impulse leaves a neuron and stimulates another neuron, a muscle, or a gland

30 Chemicals are released into the synapse and react with the post synaptic muscle, gland, or another neuron

31 Step 1 Calcium gates open in the synaptic axon terminal membrane and calcium rushes in

32 Step 2 Calcium ions act as a messenger signaling the synaptic vesicles to fuse with the pre-synaptic membrane

33 Step 3 The vesicles empty the neurotransmitter into the synaptic cleft by exocytosis

34 Neurotransmitter binds to post synaptic receptors
Step 4 Neurotransmitter binds to post synaptic receptors

35 Ion channels open and produce a change in the membrane potential
Step 5 Ion channels open and produce a change in the membrane potential

36 Step 6 Depending on the receptor protein to which the neurotransmitter binds – the post synaptic neuron may be excited or inhibited

37 Step 7 The neurotransmitter will degrade, diffuse away, or be removed by enzyme activity





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