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Alice terms Chapter 3.

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1 Alice terms Chapter 3

2 absolute direction A direction in relation to a scale of measurement. BDE event format An event format that allows you to set what methods run when the event begins, while the event is running, and when the event ends. Cartesian coordinates A system of quantification for two dimensions - an X-axis, and a Y-axis. The location of each point is referred to by an ordered pair of the form (x, y),

3 command driven interface
An interface in which people control a computer by typing in commands. event handler A method that is activated when an event trigger occurs. Almost any method can serve as an event handler. event listener A combination of hardware and software that repeatedly checks the computer system for the event trigger

4 event trigger Any activity or condition selected by the programmer to initiate an event. event-driven programming Software that uses events to provide controls in computer systems. The use of a GUI on a modern personal computer requires event-driven programming. Graphical User Interface (GUI) An interface that has icons on the computer screen and a mouse to operate the computer by manipulating the icons

5 object-relative position
The position of one object in relation to the position and orientation of another object. orientation The direction an object is facing. Location and orientation together are known as the point of view of an object. point of view The object’s location and orientation.

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