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Health and Safety According to Keith Robinson

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1 Health and Safety According to Keith Robinson

2 Work Related Deaths in NZ
Pike River and Christchurch Earthquake However, there are people dying from work related diseases per year !

3 HSE Act 1992 V HSW Act 2015 Health and Safety in Employment Act 1992
Health and Safety at Work Act 2015 Applies to employers, employees and contractors Applies to previous PLUS volunteer and non-profit organisations, trainees, outworkers, students on work experience. Volunteer workers only covered if working regularly for a PCBU Under-resourced and few inspectors – approximately 30 nationally Very structured inspection system raising to 200+ inspectors Fines depended upon culpability: Low level – up to $50,000 fine Medium level – up to $100,000 fine High level – up to $175,000 fine Reparations also possible to put right damage done Maximum Tiered Penalties Individual Officer Body Corporate Reckless Conduct Exposing to serious risk Failure in H&S duty $300,000 / 5 years $600,000/5 Years $150, $300,000 $50, $100,000 $3 million $1.5 million $500,000 Insurance against these fines is not possible; insurance can cover reparations and legal fees. An “officer” a person who can exercise significant influence over the management of the business or undertaking Employers and Employees must be able to demonstrate that they have taken “Reasonable Care” Must pass ALL 6 “Due Diligence” tests: must have up to date knowledge of H&S matters – safety leadership and safety culture; legal obligations must identify “reasonably foreseeable risks” – and minimise the risk ongoing and as new risks arise must provide appropriate resources & processes – on the basis of need not budget must manage hazards, incidents and risks in a timely way; continuous improvement must have H&S compliance – e.g. a manual, Hazard Reg, Training etc must check that resources and processes are being followed “Serious Harm” reports unlikely to receive substantial follow-up unless very major injury Notifiable Injury: Amputation, serious head injury / eye injury / laceration / infection / burn Spinal injury, loss of bodily functions, accident causing the need for hospital treatment Notifiable Incident: Spillage or escape of a substance – including gas or pressurised substance, implosion, explosion of fire, electric shock, item falling from height, collapse, overturning Contractor induction required Contractor and Sub-contractors must be solicited as if “workers” to ensure that they have the opportunity to improve the principal’s system Board of directors can rely on the reports of senior managers Directors must now be personally sure that H&S is well managed – visiting the workplace, observing and interviewing staff

4 Take this mini H&S audit for your organisation
We have a signed H&S policy available for all staff to see Y / N We have documentation to prove that we induct “workers” Y / N We have procedures, templates and forms that are used Y / N We document H&S issues and record completed action points Y / N We understand our hazards and have documented mitigations Y / N Staff have been made aware of these hazards + are refreshed Y / N Documented training records can prove appropriate training Y / N Contractor records prove that they know our hazards Y / N We have documented evidence of worker participation Y / N We conduct annual reviews / audits to ensure we are on track Y / N


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