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Holding the Invisible Hand

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Presentation on theme: "Holding the Invisible Hand"— Presentation transcript:

1 Holding the Invisible Hand
Government Intervention in the Microeconomy

2 Central Questions of Government Intervention
Under what circumstances do markets fail? How can government intervention help? How much government intervention is desirable?

3 Market Failure Optimal Mix of Output Nature of Market Failure
Definition: Nature of Market Failure Definition of market failure: Market Failure implies that the forces of supply and demand have not led us to the optimal mix of output Sources of Market Failure Public Goods Externalities Market Power Inequity

4 Public Goods Definition of Public Good: Definition of Private Good:
Market Mechanism only works efficiently if the benefits of consuming a good or service are available only to those who purchase the product Joint Consumption One person consuming a public good does not preclude another person consuming the same good “Free-Rider” Dilemma Definition of “free-rider”: Exclusion In many cases, the technical capability to exclude “free-riders” from consuming a public good does not exist Underproduction The market tends to overproduce private goods and under produce public goods

5 Externalities Definition:
The market will underproduce goods that yield external benefits and overproduce goods that generate external costs External Costs vs. External Benefits Social Costs vs. Private Costs

6 Market Power & Inequity
Definition of market power: The market mechanism functions through communications between producers and consumers by way of prices and purchases The more market power a firm has, the greater its ability to ignore the desires of consumers and pursue profit maximization Inequity Market mechanism involves inherently unequal outcomes Society generally expresses a desire for less unequal (but still unequal) distributions of wealth Definition of income transfer Table 9.1, pg. 205

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