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Writing to a Prompt.

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Presentation on theme: "Writing to a Prompt."— Presentation transcript:

1 Writing to a Prompt

2 Where is your writing headed?
or Activation – Have the students explain what is the difference between the two. Give a x for one choice and check for the other. Every which way?

3 Organized writing heads ONE WAY!
And points toward ONE IDEA….the MAIN IDEA!

4 Today we will… Learn how to write to a prompt
Learn how to keep our writing focused Use a practice reading/prompt from the PSSA Focus

5 Tips & Tricks: -Look over the questions first (quickly) to see what it is you will be looking for. -DO NOT try to answer the questions until you have read the entire passage!! -Pay close attention while you are reading You don’t want to waste time re-reading because you were daydreaming. Mini Lesson

6 Now, you know what to look for. Don’t forget to read carefully…
It’s okay to read the title, headings, and look ahead to the questions FIRST! Just wait to answer. What challenges did Earl encounter? Use at least three examples from the passage in your response. Mini Lesson Now, you know what to look for. Don’t forget to read carefully… Next slide…

7 Notice the Title! What does it tell you? Headings give you a preview
Next slide…

8 Headings give you a preview
Next slide…

9 Headings give you a preview
Next slide…

10 Choose a Graphic Organizer
Graphic organizers help you to organize information Choose one of the following on the next two slides Begin to organize your answer on the board Have students choose organizer

11 You can go back to the passage to find examples.
Organizer 1: What challenges did Earl encounter? Use at least three examples from the passage in your response. Earl’s Challenges 1 2 3 Using a graphic organizer can help you organize your thoughts AND your writing! You can go back to the passage to find examples. Next slide…

12 Organizer 2: What challenges did Earl encounter? Use at least three examples from the passage in your response. _________ __________ Earl’s Challenges Next slide…

13 Notice the Title! What does it tell you? Headings give you a preview
Model how to complete first challenge on the organizer Next slide…

14 Headings give you a preview
Guided Practice- find second challenge and third challenge Next slide…

15 Headings give you a preview
Next slide…

16 What challenges did Earl encounter?
Use at least three examples from the passage in your response. Now, use your ideas to write your response. Don’t forget to include all parts of the sandwich! Introduction – The part on the outside that makes it look good. This makes the reader want to take a bite! Body – The most important part! This is where you include the challenges Earl faced in detail. Conclusion – Almost the same as the introduction. Wrap up your sandwich—without the bun your sandwich would be messy! Next slide…

17 What challenges did Earl encounter
What challenges did Earl encounter? Use at least three examples from the passage in your response. Extension – set timer and have students go into break out room to write a response. If you have too many students for this, set the timer and tell them to write their response on a piece of paper in front of them. When time is up, you can have students share their responses. STOP

18 Assessment True or False
You do not need to have an introductory sentence in a reading open ended question. You should look ahead at the question before you start to read. Using an organizer as you read is a good strategy for answering the open-ended question. The heading and titles of the story do not tell you anything about what a story might be about. Assessment

19 You are a spectacular writer!!
BRAVO!!! You are a spectacular writer!! Don’t forget to keep your writing: Focused Organized and Heading…

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