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CNGS Project Overview Konrad Elsener.

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1 CNGS Project Overview Konrad Elsener

2 3. Status / Schedule / Cost 4. Summary
CNGS Overview OUTLINE 1. Introduction to CNGS 2. Expected performance 3. Status / Schedule / Cost 4. Summary

3 Experiments at Gran Sasso:
CNGS Overview 1. Introduction - CERN and LNGS (“the Gran Sasso Laboratory”) exist the physics of “long base-line” neutrino experiments is interesting (scient. committees: SPSC, LNGSC, SPC, etc.) decision by Council Dec. 1999: build CNGS facility first experiment: nm beam -> nt appearance Experiments at Gran Sasso: OPERA ICARUS

4 CNGS Overview 10 cm long graphite rods (13 segments, interspaced);
total length 2 m; F = 5 / 4 mm 400 GeV protons from SPS, fast extracted ( 2 x 10 ms)

5 CNGS Overview 150 kA F=2.45 m steel tube, t = 18 mm
surrounded by 50 cm concrete; vacuum 1 mbar entrance window 2mm Ti exit window 12 mm steel (?) 180 kA

6 CNGS Overview 800 m m m m V = 1 litre air-filled ionisation chambers (17 fixed + 1 moveable detector in both muon detection chambers)

7 CNGS Overview


9 2. Expected Performance CNGS Overview cf. “Addendum” of 1999:
priority to LBL nt appearance - SBL experiment “out” -> result: “lower energy” beam -more compact layout of target / horn / reflector cf. “Note” of Dec. 2000: -> higher current in reflector -> space after target for monitor

10 cost reduction CNGS Overview SPS supercycles for CNGS running
with Fixed Target or LHC filling CNGS + fixed target cost reduction CNGS + LHC

11 For 1 year of CNGS operation (200 days) we expect:
CNGS Overview For 1 year of CNGS operation (200 days) we expect: (4.8x1013 protons in SPS, 55% efficiency ) protons on target “nominal” x 1019 nm in 100 m2 at Gran Sasso x 1012 nm “charged current” events per 1000 t  2500 (n + N -> N’ + m) nt events (from oscillation)  20 “detectable”

12 Potential for upgrade of CNGS intensity exists: (protons on target)
CNGS Overview Potential for upgrade of CNGS intensity exists: (protons on target) “nominal” “upgrade” 2 times 2.4x times 3.5x per extraction (cf. SL Seminar by R. Cappi, 21 March 16:00 in SL auditorium) “nominal” “ultimate” = not very realistic 4.5 x x per year 200 days, mixed running, days, dedicated running, % efficiency (using 2.4) % efficiency (using 2.4) % efficiency (using 3.5)

13 “A world of differences” between APPEARANCE and DISAPPEARANCE
Sept / May 2001: CNGS: effects of alignment errors – study the needs of remotely controlled movements Examples: effect on nt cc events horn off axis < 3% by 6 mm reflector off axis 3% by 30 mm proton beam on target < 3% off axis by 1 mm CNGS facility misaligned < 3% by 0.5 mrad (beam 360 m off) “A world of differences” between APPEARANCE and DISAPPEARANCE experiments ! Conclusion: For CNGS performance, the main issues are (a) the geodesic alignment wrt. LNGS (b) the beam must hit the target (--> horn / reflector have no motorized supports)

14 3a. Status and Schedule CNGS is on schedule !

15 Excavated

16 CNGS Overview 4 March 11:00


18 3b. Schedule / Cost CNGS Overview
1) In the present difficult financial situation of CERN, all non-LHC activities are being scrutinized. One of the measures proposed is to have a complete stop of the SPS from October 2004 to April 2006. 2) Soon after the approval of the CNGS facility, it appeared to be “impossible” to build CNGS for the originally estimated cost of 71 MCHF. Today, the cost estimated is about 79 MCHF.

19 4. Summary CNGS Overview CNGS CE excavations well under way
--> CNGS is “on schedule” (but...) CNGS estimated cost has increased (71 -> 79 MCHF) --> our major problem today ... Present schedule: FIRST BEAM IN SPRING 2006

20 … and finally: many thanks to all !

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