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Vortex Volleyball Program

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1 Vortex Volleyball Program

2 Documents Needed USAV Medical Waiver Form
USAV Membership Card (Registration Receipt) Non-Recruitment Form Vortex Registration Receipt Deposit Fee (to be paid once teams are finalized) All found online at:

3 Code of Conduct Found online (In Parent Handbook)
Line of Communication (Player, Coaches, Dir and Parents) Academics (Unlike most we do Care about them) Care of uniforms Participation in National Tournaments IS EXPECTED!! Behavior (Players are Ambassadors of Vortex) at all times Parent behavior at games (Cheer for all player +)

4 Transportation Policy
Parents are solely responsible for their player’s Transportation to ALL Practices and Tournaments as well as their Meals. (transportation including from Airports and hotels to tournament sites).

5 Formation of Teams With sufficient Tryout numbers, there will be at least two teams per Age Group (Storm Team and Fire Team) Teams will be formed by talent Squad will consist of 8-14 players (maybe spring additions) Players maybe asked to be invited to join a Practice Squad Spring Short Season Program

6 Commitment to Team The goal of the Vortex Volleyball program is to provide a challenging and fun experience while developing student-athletes, everyone will have an opportunity to play at each Tournament. However, the amount of playing time cannot be assured or predicted—our coaches are skilled at balancing the needs of our athletes while maintaining their responsibilities to the team’s ability to compete. In order for our teams to be successful, all participants need to be present at each Tournamen and 90% of the practices. If your son is going to miss a practice, a parent should notify the club and player should notify their coach prior to the missed practice (both should be able to RSVP practice or events through Sport Ngin APP). We understand that absences will occur (excused absences include illness and family emergencies), but a commitment to their teammates and our program should be a priority for each player! Unexcused absences from practice could have consequences that might include limiting playing time (its at the discretion of the coach).

7 Tryouts ALL forms must be turned in prior to Tryouts
14s/15s (8th/9th): Sept 5-6 at 6-8pm MK JCC 16s (10th):  Sep 5-6 7-9pm MK JCC  17s/18s (11th/12th) Sep 5-6   8-10pm MK JCC  Tryouts will be at MK JCC (5050 Church St., Skokie, IL

8 Spring Program 13/14s continue through Mar and 15s thru 18s resume in Jun after high school season Practice end date to be determined (usally late Jun) Times from TBD More information will be available online at a Later date

9 WebSite Vortex uses its website to communicate to teams
Team calendars (Incl practices & Tournament) Tournament schedules (Pool play information) RSVP Events (Parents way to notify club) Volunteer positions – positions are extremely important to teams success (Team Chaperone) Vortex Parent Gear Ultimate in team spirit apparel

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