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Translating ideas into proposals for action programmes

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1 Translating ideas into proposals for action programmes

2 Contents Title Background & Justification
Target Group & Parties involved Development Objectives Immediate Objectives Key Outputs/Direct Results Activities Main Inputs Indicators of Achievement Management of Risks Monitoring/Reporting/Evaluation Procedures Preliminary Budget Proposal

3 Follow up work plan TITLE Time Frame BACKGROUND & JUSTIFICATION

4 Background & Justification
What is the socio-economic context? Priority problem(s), needs & strategy for tackling them. + Gender analysis Any prior or ongoing activities by your union to address the above problem(s) and indicate how the project fits into the broader program/policy of the Union. Describe the project's link with International Labour Standards. Project should, if possible, contain practical measures to promote ILS.

5 Target Group Describe the Target Group
Main partners involved in the implementation Any coordinating mechanism envisaged? If necessary, differentiate project interventions according to the various socio-economic roles and needs of the target groups particularly between men and women.

6 Development Objectives
Long term, over all aim. Project contributes to it. Can be more than one. The identification of this higher objective helps to assess the economic, social and political relevance of the project’s immediate objective(s) and the appropriateness of the project in the light of the priorities of the workers movement/country. This work-plan will contribute to achieving the following:

7 Immediate Objectives End of the project situation. What the project aims “to achieve” Do not describe an immediate objective using verbs such as: "to study“; "to assist“; "to discuss“; "to research“; "to stimulate“; to raise" awareness“; Such verbs indicate activities rather than objectives Immediate objective must be: Specific; Measurable; Achievable; Realistic; Time-bound.

8 Immediate Objectives (contd)
Example: institutional development project: At the end of the project a ... (workers' organisation, institute, etc.) will have been established [or strengthened] and is capable of providing the following services … (or perform the following tasks) … for (identify the clients including age, sex and other characteristics). OR use (in case of direct support project): At the end of this project, the following result(s)/ situation(s) will be achieved: ……...

9 Activities Inputs of the project are transformed into outputs through activities; List the activities in chronological/ strategic/ logistic order. Organize activities to ensure participation of women; In order to ensure appropriate linkages between the immediate objectives, outputs and activities, it is recommended that they be presented in the following way:

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