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Are You Ready ?.

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Presentation on theme: "Are You Ready ?."— Presentation transcript:

1 Are You Ready ?

2 Here are a few things that you can do to get ready for the first day of school.
Welcome to Fountain House!! I hope that you are enjoying your summer vacation.

3 Supplies for Social Studies class
You will need a blue Binder 2 to 3 inches, a box of pens, a box of pencils, a box of colored pencils, a pack of index cards (5x7), and about 100 sheets of loose leaf paper

4 Supplies for School Please be sure to read and sign the "Acceptable Use Policy" for technology and bring it to your first period teacher. I have uploaded a copy of it that you may print out at home. Acceptable Use Form Please bring in 2 boxes of tissues to your first period teacher. This will ensure that each classroom in Fountain 6th grade will have tissues for students when they need them. You will need a lock for your locker. You should practice unlocking it so that you are able to lock and unlock it before school begins

5 The mind is everything; what you think you become - Socrates.
This is one of my favorite quotes by one of the greatest teachers ever. I want you to remember that being positive and developing good habits will help you achieve your goals. Education is a lifelong journey not a destination. When you fall get up, dust yourself off and keep moving forward.

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